The Past

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A/N: Just a quick warning, this is probably going to be short, depends if my hands get tired, and this might be really sad. (The feels). On to the story!

(Y/N) POV 

I have no clue where I am. All I see, is that I am in an empty room. I do got to say, even though it is Acnologia, I thought he just traveled around the world, not even claiming a home, but this cabin is pretty cozy.

"You are finally awake, I see." Acnologia said, walking in the room with a basket full with berries and fruits. 

"Here, eat." Acnologia said, shoving the basket in my face.

"Is that how you treat a lady. I thought I taught you better Acnologia." I said, teasing him.

"Well, its not my fault." Acnologia said, pouting. I do got to admit though, he is pretty cute when he pouts. Wait, did i just say he is cute?!!

"Are you okay? Your not eating, and you were spacing out." Acnologia said. Why is he so kind now? Just before this, he was going crazy, psycho even. 

"Why are you acting like this to me? Earlier, you were going psycho." I questioned.

"Because, I miss you so much. I couldn't stop thinking of you, even when I tried going to sleep, you kept on popping in my head. Your beautiful eyes, your beautiful hair, everything." Acnologia said, coming closer with a creepy smile on his face.

"Get away!" I threw an apple at him, he got knocked out. 

The NEW Dragon Queen (Acnologia x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now