The Dangerous world of High School- chapter 4

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(Sorry it's a bit of a short chapter!)

At his point James had left our awkward little circle, and made his way over to the grill, clearly being more interested in the food then my little family reunion. Not wanting my mom to embarrass me, which was 99% likely, I swiftly made my way over to wear he was standing, eager to let the two love birds talk among each other. As I made my way over, I was surprised to hear the sound of James laughing, which despite myself, is very attractive and I would highly recommend you trying to hear it, if you ever get the chance. At any rate, he was laughing, and get this, it was something mymomsaid, yes, the very embarrassing one.

“Ally, you never told me how funny your mom is.”

“Ah, well you never really gave me the chance.” I replied back, trying to subtly hint to my mom to leave. But knowing her, she did not get the hint.

“And Ally, I think you forgot to mention to me how you fainted in gym class, and how this very charming young man had to carry you to the nurse!” And there it is, that’s the embarrassing mom I have come to know and love.

“Haha, Mom, did I forget to tell you that? Oops, my bad. Anyways, um I think Aunt Marg was looking for you. Something about the hotdog buns or something.” And that is how to get rid of your mom. Quickly, she put down her spatula and made her way to find Aunt Marg.

“Sorry about that,” I said, “ She’s…. she likes to talk a lot.”

“Ah, she’s not that bad,” he said,” you should meet my mom, now there’s a crazy woman.”

Now that made me giggle, yes I know me giggling, who ever thought that would ever happen? Well I sure didn’t.

“ You know, you have a cute laugh.”

“Well only when I’m talking to someone who is worthy of making me laugh,” I replied with a smile. Geez giggling and now flirting, where the hell was this coming from?! I sure don’t know.

“Haha well I’m honored to be worthy of such a high feat,” James smiled back, that crooked bad boy half-smile, “Oh, and since I know your knew to the town, I was wondering if you knew about the party everyone was going tonight?”

“Oh, no actually I was not aware.”

“Well now you are, and if you do need a ride, I’m right next door.”

“Yes, yes you are. But maybe next time, Emily’s sleeping over and I can’t be a bad host.” I replied back, still seeping with excitement that James Medlock basically just asked me to go to a party with him.

“Ah, well of course, and I just wanted to say that…”

“James! I forgot! We have to go to that dress and tux fitting for the wedding! And were late!” shouted Mrs.Medlock as she scrambled to get all her things together and leave.

Oh, right. I’ll be right there Mom,” he returned,” And Ally! I guess I’ll see you Monday morning.”

“Monday morning?”

“Yah, when I pick you up for school.” And with that he jogged off to catch-up with his mom.

Jeez I was never going to learn how to stop blushing in front of this guy.

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