The Dangerous World of High School

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            Being a freshman sucked. And when I say that, I mean it. It was only second day and I knew that it was going to be one of the hardest years of my life. Well, that was before I met..... never mind I'm getting ahead of myself here. Anyway, the second day of my first year at high school. Right.

           I had just moved to Massachusetts from California, and that was bad enough. I mean who likes going from warm, nice beachy weather, to well... Massachusetts weather. It also didn’t help that I knew absolutely no one. zippo, not a single person. Me and my family (being really only my mom and me) had to move from our comfy home in CA to where my Aunt Margret lives because apparently she needed help raising her one year old son, Phillip. (Phillip’s real Dad, being the dweep he is, had ran out on her the minute he found out she was pregnant. Although, I really shouldn’t be talking considering I haven’t seen my Dad since I was 5.) But getting back on track here, it was one of those small towns where everyone knew everyone, well except me.

          I had just started attending West Jude’s High School, and the first day had not been fun. Considering there were only about 200 people in the whole school, I was introduced to about everyone in the freshman class, and about half of everyone else. And while I was not getting introduced to someone or other, someone else could be found starring or whispering about me. As I said before, it sucked being the new kid.

           I woke up to my blaring alarm clock screaming at me to get the hell outa bed and to do it fast before I was late. Hurrying, I combed my knotty brown hair and slung it into a ponytail, and quickly threw on my favorite pair of jean shorts and Tee with one of my favorite band logos on it. I also threw on a tiny bit of make-up, just for the fun of it. As you can already tell, I didn’t care a lot about how I looked. Running down the stairs, I almost ran into Philip (why he was on the stairs I do not know), and tried my best to get over him without killing both of us.

          “Aunt Marg!” I cried, “Why is Phillip on the stairs?” I grabbed him up in my arms and carried him into the kitchen with me.

         “Oh! There you are Philly willy! I’ve been looking for!” Aunt Marg giggled as she took Phillip form my hands. If you can’t tell already, this is why she needed help. I smiled up at her and grabbed a piece of toast from the table.

        “Ally! Do you need a ride to school today?” Asked my mom as she made her way down the stairs.

        “Yeah, sure that would be great.”

         “You know, James is right next door, I’m sure he could give you a ride. You two do go to the same high school.” Aunt Marg suggested.

          “Um.. I don’t know him that well,” I said, “And besides, he’s a junior, I don’t think he would want to be seen with a freshman like me.”

            “Well alright then. But are you sure? I could ask him for you?

             “I’m fine Aunt Marg.”

              “Alright then now that that’s settled, you ready Ally?” asked my mom.

             “Yup.” And with that we were off to hell high school. Oh, and I forgot to mention, James was the school jerk. No one talked to James, and James talked to no one. Two days of school and I had already learned that he had been expelled from his old high school and just moved here last year. Just my luck, the bad boy was my neighbor.

               As we walked to my mom’s Honda my timing couldn’t have been more perfect. James, just stepped out of his house and walked to his car. I couldn’t help but look at him. He made a pretty hot bad boy. He had short brown hair that hung over his golden brown eyes and his face had angles I swear were sculpted by angles. Any movie star would have died to have his looks. Suddenly, I was brought out of my day dream by my moms honking car, which of course made James look up, catching me staring at him. Had I really stared at him that long? Wow, embarrassing…. I stumbled into the car while James gave me sly smirk, telling me he had totally just caught me checking him out. Great. I could feel my face turning bright red.

             “He’s cute isn’t he,” my mom said as I finally buckled my seatbelt.

               “Mom! Gosh don’t say that.” Sometimes I wish my mom could just be a normal mom and tell me I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 30, but nope. I was stuck with her.

               “What?” She asked defensively and laughed when she saw my expression. The rest of the way to school I was silent, giving my red face a chance to cool down. When we finally arrived, I quickly jumped out of the car waving my mom goodbye and made my way into the school as fast as possible.

               Inside, I went to my locker which just so happened to be right next to Emily’s, the one girl at West Jude’s that was possible my friend.

             “Heeyyyy girrliiee.” She cheered as I approached our lockers.

             “Heyyy.” I responded, “What’s up?”

               Emily giggled again as she reached into her locker for first period books. “Oh nothing, just that you didn’t tell me your neighbor was the hottest guy in school!!”

               “Oh, well I didn’t know you would be interested. Have a crush?” I cocked an eyebrow.

                Emily blushed as her face became a solid red, at least I wasn’t the only girl at this school who blushed easily. “Well, as I said, he is the hottest guy in school.”

                I laughed, “If you think he’s that hot come to my house after school on Friday and we can have a sleepover, being as I am his neighbor you’ll have a nice view.”

               She beamed at me. “That sounds great!” She said just as the bell for first period rang. “Alright well I’ll see ya at lunch!”

               “Ok sounds good.” And without a further ado, I made my way to gym class… ew. This may sound a bit cliché, but yes I was one of those girls who would trip and fall even if she was under water. Yes, I was that clumsy. Anyway, for the first semester we were playing soccer, which required agility and skill, none which I had. And to make it even worse, first period freshmen’s were the lucky ones to get to play with the juniors. Even better.

            I walked into the girls locker, quickly changed, and made my way out to the gym. Scanning the room, I tried to look for my one other possible friend at this school, Andy, and made my way over to her. We were almost exactly alike, at least when it came to gym. Neither of us could kick a ball for our life. Just as I was about to say hi a whistle blew from behind me.

            “Alright kids! Same teams from yesterday, move it. Let’s play some soccer!” Mr.Narkin called to all of us.

            A stampede of kids all ran into their positions while I ran awkwardly trying to keep up. Mr.Narkin had just called the game to start when I was smacked right in the head with a soccer ball, falling down unconscious to the floor.

            The next thing I remember was being carried in someone’s arms to the nurse’s office, or at least that’s where I guessed we were going. And as I looked up, I saw a familiar blur of black hair. Crap. I was in James’s arms.

The Dangerous World of High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now