The Dangerous World of High School- Chapter 6

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So here's a longer chapter guys, I hope you like it :) (More Ally and James action!)

         I never thought a week could go so slow- apparently I was wrong. This seemed to be happening a lot to me lately. James wasn’t your typical popular, hot guy, with the posse constantly following his every move, and every girl at school relentlessly going after him; well I mean they wanted to, he was just so damn intimidating. And besides the few encounters we had had, that was the only time I ever talked to James. Andy and Emily were surprised we even had that. But something inside me just couldn’t stop staring at him, wanting to figure him out. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was definitely attracted to James Medlock.

            In the few days, however, between that Monday and Friday, I barley saw anything of James. Besides a glance or to seeing him next door, passing James in the hallways was a rare occurrence but there were those few moments when I swear I caught his sea blue eyes staring at me. But as I said before, I do have a wild imagination.

            Finally Friday finally arrived, and I swear I was sweating so much while getting ready there wasn’t enough deodorant in the world to stop it.

            “Emily, Andy! What am I going to do?,” I said to the two while frantically running around my bedroom trying to look somewhat descant before James arrived.

            “Oh, you look fine!” Andy went on as she scanned my closet.

            “I still can’t believe you’re going to party with James Medlock. Jeez. You have to be the luckiest girl in the school- its official.” Emily ranted as she slumped onto my bed.

            “Oh it’s not that big of a deal,” I sheepishly responded,” I mean it’s not like I’m going as his date or anything….”

            “Well it’s close enough, and I still can’t believe…”

            “Ally! Ally, what are you doing wearing that when you have THIS in your closet?!?!” Andy yelled holding up a lavender tight skirt that one of my old friends had lent me in California.

            “Haha that?!? Are you kidding me? I cannot pull that off,” I snickered as Andy tried to wrestle me into the article of clothing that I swear was short enough that I would probably wear it as I don’t know… an eight year old.

            “Pleassse Ally!” she pleaded,” You will look absolutely amazing! And James won’t be able to resist you in this.“ I smacked her arm.


            “Haha well that’s what cha’ get, and fine, I’ll…. Try it on, but that’s it!” Jeez these girls were going to be the death of me.

            By the time they finished up remaking me, I could barely believe it. My dark brown, frizzy hair had been transformed into long curls cascading down my back, covering only some of the tight, low-cut blouse I was wearing, while my lavender skirt barley covered my thigh and, along with the five –inch heels, made my legs look miles long.

            “Now this, this is a party outfit,” Andy cheered just as a honk came from outside.

Well at least I know he isn’t bailing, was all I could think. I quickly said good-bye to the girls and my mom, and I mean quickly before she actually saw what I was wearing, and made my way outside and into James car. Gosh I really hoped he couldn’t hear my heart beating.

“What are you wearing.” He spoke in a dry voice as he scanned me up and down.

“Um excuse me?” I replied confused.

“You cannot wear that, nope, I won’t allow it.” He said in an icy voice

“Allow it?! You’re not my father, you can’t tell me what to do.” I sharply retorted, confused about why he was acting this way, like what was his problem?

“Uh, whatever.” And with that I slammed the door as he turned the music on to some metal, at full volume, of course. This was going to be a lonngggg night.

            After what seemed like hours of plain awkwardness I finally heard the loud beet of music  down the street, and James parked on the side of the rode.

            “Now whatever you do, just…. Just don’t drink…. Anything, ok?” He warned.

            “I’m not an idiot yah no,” was all I had to say to that.

            I had never been to an actual high school party, officially, and I have to admit- I was nervous. It was never really my thing, you know getting drunk, doing drugs. And it’s not like I planned on starting here, but I was still extremely excited. As we walked up to the house we did receive some very harsh looks from mostly the popular girls from our school, but hey I just ignored them- that’s all you can really do anyway.

            When we entered the house it looked like a party right out of a movie- same loud music, same wild teenagers, and especially same alcohol…. Oh and hook-up’s, there were a lot of those going around too. And before I could say anything else to James, he disappeared.

            Hmmmm well I guess I’m on my own I said to myself.I mean I guess I hadn’t expected anything else. It’s not like I really expected James to hang out with me at the party anyway. But fefore I could even say, or I guess I should say think another world, I felt a hard pinch on my ass.

            “What the hell?!” I screamed to whoever touched me, “Get off me ass-whole!”

As I turned around, I knocked into the perv. I recognized him as being one of the juniors at West Jude’s, I’m pretty sure his name was Alex, one of the football players or some jock like that.

            “But babeeeee your soo hot. You wanna maybe head upstears?” He whispered in a slurred voice, definitely under the influence of some heavy drinking. And before I could protest, his sticky lips collided with mine knocking me to the floor in utter shock.

            It felt like I was suffocating under his weight and his lips. The air around me was starting to get hot, and I could see my vision getting blurry, I swear I was on the verge of passing out into a voice barked out of nowhere. Suddenly the weight was lifted from my body, and I could make out a slight outline of it looked like… well James.

            “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ALEX?!” I’m pretty sure he screamed at Alex as he lifted him off the ground and shoved him against the wall.

            “Dude, chill! I was just having some fun.” Alex was able to get out while having the wind knocked out of him from James’ hand pushing against his wind pipe.

            I’m not sure how, but somehow I was able to get up during all of this and I vaguely remember me shouting at James not to hurt him.

            “Ally, stay out of this!” He harshly cried, as he was winding up to punch Alex in the nose. I knew James was known to be a bad boy, but I never thought he was a violence junky. But before anyone could get hurt, I quickly stood in between James’s fist and Alex’s’ face, stopping the punch from happing by a mere two inches. I stared into his shinning deep blue eyes,

            “That’s enough.” With that, he reluctantly threw Alex on the ground and grabbed his jacket.

            “Ally, were leaving. NOW.”  James angrily stomped and grabbed my wrist, making our way to the car. 

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