Chapter Thirty One

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Adriana greeted as she took a seat beside Solace who had her eyes glued to the basketball court.
"What's with you, didn't think you liked basketball"
"Well I don't, It's the players I find attractive" She answered bluntly and Adriana giggled. Adriana traced her gaze and found our she was staring at Will, who high fived his best friend Vin after making a field goal.
"Mmm, I think I know what this is about" Ady teased.
"Shut up" She blushed and elbowed Adriana.
"Well I kinda noticed, you both have been so into each other...."
"I know right and I sorta feel bad about it coz I have a boyfriend, and I can't help feeling the way I do right now"
"I can't say understand, well, I have been unfortunate in many ways except this one but I don't think you love your boyfriend that much, if you did, you wouldn't have any space left for Will"
"I don't think I am in love with him, probably just a crush and besides, I think he already has a girlfriend"
"Wait, don't tell me that Latina chic who pulls don't cheerleader stunts"
Solace nodded.
"She's with the special Ops"
"Really?" Adriana was genuinely surprised.
"Yep, and she's a medic, girl do I even stand a chance, she has the brains the physique and damn she is super cool, I mean look how easy going she is around the guys and they love her"
"You are too"
"Please, don't try to make me feel good"
"I'm not Sol, you are awesome and....."
"Well yeah in a cute kinda way"
Ady giggled.
"Will says that too"
"If you ask me Sol, I think he likes you"
"You think?"
"No, I see" Adriana said and they both turned their gaze to Will who happened to stare back, he smiled and waved at both ladies, they did same and he returned to his game.
Solace sighed and said "Isn't he cute?"
"Let's get you outta here love bird" Adriana stood, took her hand and pulled her up.
"Where are we going?"
"Away from the Will"
"Why?" She whined as Adriana pulled her away.

Wes lay in bed all day, bored to death and completely out of place. He'd called work to tell them he was going to be away for a while, well that wasn't so much of a big deal, he was a founding member and he really didn't have to be at work, he could work from anywhere, and his business had grown over the years to be a successful one, he had helped build it and his team knew and trusted him, he had taken a three months leave and he'd already been gone for three extra but he'd only let them know he had been caught up with something really important but he was going to return as soon as he could, except he really didn't know how soon 'as soon as he could' would be.
He heard a knock on his door and he sat up.
"Come in"
Adriana walked in.
"Hey, you ok?"
She asked, sitting beside him on his bed.
"Yeah I'm good"
"You don't look it, tell me whats up?"
He sighed.
"Its just......all this is still new to me and there is not a single day I wake up not thinking is this really real?"
She giggled at his pun.
"No seriously Ady, I mean will we ever be able to live normally?"
"You're right but look at the bright side, we are safe and very much alive, I just hate that you got dragged into this because of me"
"That's not what I mean Ady"
"I know though but I'm just saying, but I still kinda feel grateful for everything, coz I realized I am not as soft and spoilt as I thought I was, and besides, I met you in all this messed up mess" She giggled, he did too.
"Yeah right......and I must say I miss Aunty Abena"
"Yeah, me too, let's just forget all the tragedies that have happened so far and try to live a normal life here while we can"
"Yeah, I guess"
"Let's go get a sundae then, Kristen says it's to die for"
"Ayd" He allowed himself to be dragged out.
As they walked to down the hall way, two ladies ran their way and on bumped into Wes spilling paint all over his white shirt.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry, look what you made me do Jill....look I'm really sorry I....."
"It's ok, it's cool, I'll just get changed" Wes said.
"I'm really sorry again"
"Don't worry about it, he smiled" And she continued her journey with her friend, turning occasionally to look at Wes.
"Weirdo" Adriana said and he giggled.


That evening, Adriana went bowling with Solace and Kristen while Wes hang around with Lee.
The two sat at the outdoor cocktail bar overlooking one of the estates large pool which was a bit further from the settlement. They'd gone jogging that evening with Will but he was called away on something important and the two had taken a break at the cocktail bar.
It reminded Wes of Curtis hotel back in Ghana.
"I really like it here, but you know what I don't like...?"
"Tell me" Wes said.
"Doing nothing about this Black Rose thing, don't like to be kept in the dark man"
"I know" Wes said taking a sip from his glass.
"Dianne and I need to talk, I want in on this Cartel business, Kristen feels same too"
"Funny, coz Ady said same"
Wes admitted.
"Really,and you?"
"What can I say, I mean these guys have really messed us up, and I honestly don't think we can go back to living normal lives and we cant stay here forever, I mean, I have a job to take care of, you do too, and I need a life, I know this place is somewhat magical but I just can't shake off the feeling of me being in idding and that genuinely isnt me"
He said and suddenly Adesha appeared.
"Wes, there's trouble, you guys need to leave, now!"
She didn't have her usual calm demeanor and her appearance was fading, she seemed like a holographic glitch.
"Adesha?" Wes placed his glass down and began to look around to make sure no one had noticed him speak to the image at his side.
"Wes, dude, you okay?"
"Adesha.....?" He looked at her in dismay trying to fathom what was happening to her.
"You're fading I'm not......"
"There's a.....heading your" She kept fading and appearing and her words were distorted and she looked pretty worried. It had never happened before and he was worried and pretty scared.
"Lee we need to leave now, call Kristen and......."Then he screamed as he felt a sharp pain in his head, he held his haed with both hands and continued to howl and groan in pain, then his nose began to bleed, then he fell to the ground.
"Hey dude, you good, I need help!" Lee knelt at his side and called out to the people around who had already began to stare.
And that was when the first explosion happened.

CONGRATS!!! on coming this have no idea how thankful i am.....once again, thank you so much for the votes and comments, you guys are the best......keep voting and commenting, if you like my story, share the y'all. God bless!!😘

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