Chapter Thirty Seven

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Solace broke down in tears when she heard what had happened to Kristen.

"Why would they do something like that?"

"I don't know Solace but whoever did this, they are going to pay"

"I want in" Solace said.

"Solace you need to recover and besides......."

"No Mateo, I am not just going to sit here in this stupid wheel chair doing nothing, I am going to make them pay for what they did, even if it kills me"

Adriana looked down at her, she was no longer the sweet childish girl, ever since she had learnt what had happened, her entire demeanour changed, she had been affected so greatly and Ady feared Solace, the Solace she had met was gone forever and every single time she walked out of Solace's room, she did with tears in her eyes.

Ever since Wes and Lee had left for Grenada, she had felt so alone and being with Solace wasn't helping, she was always so mad and angry, and Solace had pushed her to find a friend in Mateo, he was the only other person she could trust.

Adriana watched as Solace grabbed her laptop and went to typing.

"What are you doing?"

"What I should have done a long time ago"

Adriana excused herself and walked out, Mateo followed.

"Are you okay?"

"No Mateo, how am I supposed to be okay when I have to see her like this every day?"

She said amidst tears.

"I hate seeing her like that"

"I know, she's just in shock that's all, it will take time for her to get used to all of this"

"I hope so" She said as he drew her into his arms in a warm hug.

Grenada, The Carribeans

Lee walked into Wes ' room, he was on the phone.

"I'll have to call you back, take care okay and don't worry about her too much, she'll come around, gotta go, bye" Wes hang up and turned to Lee.

"What do we have?"

"General Vladimir Ivanov, he authorized the missiles"

"Who the heck is he?"

" I'll tell you everything over lunch, I'm starved" Lee said.

Wes grabbed his coat and followed his friend out.


Wait wait wait, so you guys have taken down all the Cartel's labs?"

"We're hoping so, all their smuggling routes have been jammed but Juan Castillo did mention one thing, LA CARGA"

"The Virus?"

"Yes, I know where it is"

Lee said.

"Good, so why don't we tell Dianne?"

"Nope, we do this my way, I don't trust anyone within the White Rose with this sort of info"

"You're right, I mean after everything that has happened. So whats your plan?"

"We let them take down Ivanov, Senator Dick and all the other goons responsible for all this, we are going after the Virus!"

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