Chapter Forty Two

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New York, U.S.A

It wasn’t really difficult to get eyes on Troy once they touched down but his usually silky black shoulder length hair was not long anymore but neatly trimmed, his beard and moustache was gone and he wore a long scarf round his neck that draped down his long black coat but the make over and those horn rimmed glasses were not a good enough disguise for Lee to lose him in the crowd. Lee thought he was either too dumb or just taking chances when he decided to get on the next flight after his escape. Melissa had seen the message and had alerted officials who were waiting. As soon as Troy's foot touched the ground, he was met by two undercover agents but the next thing that happened was sure to scar them big time for the rest of their lives.
Out of no where, Lee saw a gun but before he screamed get down, the two agents were down, with a  bullet each in their heads and a ring of gunshots began to ressound and they just didn't know who was shooting. People were screaming and running in all directions. Lee and Wes knew their only escape was to run too. Troy must have been waiting for back up all along, he knew he was not alone, that bloody bastard…..he had planned to escape during the commotion…Lee thought.
They found their way out and their cell phones began to vibrate. They both walked a distance and picked a cab.
Lee called Melissa immediately and she answered on the first dialing tone….
"What the crap Melissa we nearly got our asses wiped off the surface of the earth what is going on?"
"Hope you both are safe, just get to the hotel okay, I'll meet you there"
"And Janice, is she with you?"
"Yes Lee she's with me, just get here soon okay"
"On our way" He said and hang up.
"What's the plan Lee?"
'We stay alive, that’s the plan bro, Silver Drapes please. He said to the cab driver.


Half an hour later, Lee and Wes walked into one of New York's most expensive hotels, Silver Drapes, they found Melissa and Janice both had a completely new radiance since the last time they saw them. Melissa looked much younger and maybe it was her hair cut and the leather pants she wore that revealed all her curves and what was left of her prime at forty eight. Janice as usual was in a white pan suit but was no longer blonde, but a brunette and there was their surprise, in a seat and dressed in a suit with two gentlemen at the corners of the room as the third stood at the door.
"Mr. President?" Wes said open eyed as the President stood to greet both men.
"Yo kidnapped the president?" Lee turned to Janice.
"Is that the way to greet your boss whom you havent seen in a long time?" Janice smiled.
"Its an honour Mr. President" Lee shook his hand and so did Wes.
"The honour is mine, it always is to meet dedicated men who give their lives to the service of this country, I have heard a lot about you both and I must say I am deeply moved"
"Thank you sir" Lee said and hugged Janice too,
"Good to have you back"
"Great to be back"
"Whats going on?" Wes asked.
"You both will be escorting the President to Tennessee"
"Yes Lee, you, we need to keep him safe"
"But everyone thinks he's out of the country wont that raise panic when people begin to feel the president is missing?"
"No, hiding is the word"
"Excuse me sir?"
"These women think its best for me to go into hiding"
"With all due respect sir you are the most important asset to this country and if you are taken god forbid r anything happens to you, America will be at its feet" Lee said.
"So you too think I should go into hiding"
"You wont eb in hiding, you will still have access to controls and to give orders, meet with your generals and the Secretary of State if need be except no one will know where you are except us"
"Not even Finn and Connolly?"
"Who?, oh your body guards"
"My most trusted security personnel" The President said.
"With all due respect no sir"
"We have a place prepared for you sir and to keep you safe no one from within your circle can be allowed on those grounds or know exactly where that is for your own safety"
"And you are sure both I and my family will be fine there"
"Affirmative sir" Lee replied.
"Okay, did you pick them up already?"
"Yes, both your daughter and son were picked up from school earlier this morning and to avoid the airports we are going to journey by road"
"Then I suggest we better get going then, Finn, Connolly, you heard the lady, sorry but you two would have to stay back and keep me informed if anything goes bad"
"Yes sir"
"Nick will be here soon"
"Yes, he's one of us, he will lead the way" Janice said.
"Thanks Janice, whats the situation at the airport, how many casualties?"
"Six sir, no one was injured"
"Wrong Melissa, America is" He simply said and walked towards the window.
"Please stay away from the windows sir" One of the security men said.
"Don't worry Finn, they can't reach me here" He said and drew closer anyway then he sighed.
"We are going to find out who is behind this and we will bring them to their knees"
"Yes Sir we will"

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