Chapter Thirty Four

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All three men found themselves in the control room where all the main communications to their active base in Grenada take place, Dianne was on the screen, she looked deeply troubled and saddened.
"How could this happen!" Will screamed. He was uncontrollable. A few others tried to hold him back as he gave Dianne a piece of his mind.
"There had to be a bug somewhere, either that or someone gave off the location of this place, someone with access to the coordinates"
An Asian guy said.
"Hold it! Will stopped him.
"I think I know who could have…..Nick and his crew are the only people who came in here recently, is it a coincidence that the very day they came in to Green Hill, we were attacked… the airport Ji Sun refused to be drugged, she insisted she was not going to take anything, she was awake the whole time, she could have given off the coordinates, either that or she came in with a bug that sent off a signal, that is the only logical explanation for now"
"Are you sure?"
"I just lost my fiance, hours ago I would have had no reason to pin this on Ji Sun, now I have no other choice but the one she leaves me"
"Give us the order and we'll go find her" Another in uniform said.
"You have it, get back to me ASAP, I need to talk to the Prime Minister, this is an act of war, thanks to their foolishness, we have the state backing us, that includes all its forces, we will smoke them out, every single one of them……"
Ji Sun was one of the lucky few who escaped with minor bruises. Nick who at the time was in the control room rushed to her only to find her seated on her bed and lost.
He took her to the safe house to get checked and stayed with her till two uniformed men dragged her into a white room after finding the bug in her clothes, the room looked so much like an asylum room but had the features of an interrogation room. There she was questioned thoroughly. Nick stood behind the thick glass watching and listening.
"I am telling you, I have no idea how that bug got into my clothes, I swear" She insisted.
The missiles had killed Lace, he was found unconscious in the pool, it may have blacked him out and then he went unconscious and slowly drowned while in the pool as his lungs were filled with water.
"Tell us the truth!" Anatoly screamed banging his fist on the table.
"Give me one good reason why I would pledge allegiance to those blood thirsty pigs, why would I give off our location when the man I love, the man I am getting married to is here too, why would I want to hurt Nick or anyone when I have put my neck on the line time and time again for them, huh?" She screamed back, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Come on guys you need to give her a break, anyone could have planted the bug on her from the crowd or at the airport" Nick said.
"But Nick got away unharmed, could it be you knew the exact moment he was going to be……safe from the attack, perhaps?" Aantoly played on her mind.
"This is absurd"
"Is it?"
"105 people died today and 62 are in critical condition, the death tolls keep increasing and we have no time to waste"
"So why waste time with me when those tyrants are still out there knocking glasses to their victory, they are trying to turn us against each other, make us think we have moles planted in here when we don't, the real danger is out there and its out in the open, they just declared war on New Zealand, why don't you use that to your advantage instead of wasting my time and ypours"
Ji Sun said.
"She doesn’t know anything, you need to get her out of there"
Lee said to Nick.
"I know she's innocent"
"Then get her out of there" Lee said to him. Nick nodded and walked in.
"That’s enough Anatoly, she's told you the truth" He uncuffed her from the table and helped her up.
"I'm not quite sure about that" He stared intently at Nick.
"What, you're going to put me in cuffs and interrogate me too?" Nick said, getting pissed.
"Hey its okay" Ji Sun calmed him/
"Lets go, we'll get through this, I promise, lets just get out of here" She said and walked out with him.
"Who's in charge?"
Lee asked.
"I am" An elderly looking man said.
"Whom do I need to see to get a ride out of here?"
"I'm sorry Mr Walker but I am not authorized to let anyone out……"
"I'm not quite sure you saw what I did out there, and I am certainly not sure you feel what I feel right now, but I can assure you Mr……whatever yourname and rank here is that if I do not get a ride in the next 3 minutes I will be next on your cuff list and that won't be so easy, so I will ask again, whom do I need to see to get a ride out of here?"

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