Chapter Forty

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Russia Moscow

Wes kept dialing to no avail, Alfre was simply not picking up…..
"Maybe she isn't safe to answer" Lee said.
"What if she got caught?"
"Just put the pay phone down and lets get outta here its beginning to snow again"
"Shit!, what do we do now?"
"We have no other choice Wes, right now we need all the hands we can get because it's about to get more bloody"
"We need to warn the Presidents"
"how do we warn 52 Heads of State and 15 Prime Ministers and get them all to believe us and go into hiding within 24 hours, if Melissa says this is what she says it is then we can't trust the White Rose either, so what do we do?"
"We do this the way we solve every crime, find the criminals and drag their asses to jail"
"You say that like its easy, we need to get the girls to safety and at this point, where is safe?"
"Where it all began, you go back to Ghana"
"We talked about this Lee"
"What you gonna do then huh, are you ready to risk the girls getting entangled in all of this"
"I'm not leaving you to deal with all of this alone"
"Either ways we still need to find a way to get the girls to safety"
"I'm on it"


Adriana wasn’t expecting what was coming, when Wes called her she was thrilled, it had been weeks since she last heard from him and she had been worried but what he told her was enough to knock her out.
"What are you saying that this isn't over?"
"Exactly but I cant say this over the phone, you and Solace need to get out of there"
"Don't worry, Nick and Ji would help, they know what to do but you guys need to get to the airport on your own, you'll meet them there, they'll take care of the rest.
"And where exactly are we going?"
Wes was quiet.
"Wes where are you taking us?" She said.
"We have to go back to Ghana"
"It’s the only way to get you to safety"
"Have you forgotten so soon how we struggled to get out of there, we were almost killed"
"Adriana I don't have the info I used to have Adesha is gone, she's been gone for weeks and I cant say for sure if you are going to be fine where you are, it’s not safe and I wont risk it so just do what I say, get Solace and……"
"I'm not going anywhere until….."
"Adriana I don't have time for this, get your ass out of there now and I mean now"
"What am I supposed to tell Solace"
"I don't know just tell her anything to make her go to the airport with you"
"Fine, I'll call you when we get there"
"Good, and careful not to raise suspicion. He said and hang up.
Adriana put on her sneakers and picked her coat then she walked out and went to Solace's room. She knocked on the door and turned the knob.
"Solace….." She began to say then she realized there could be cameras in the room She grabbed Solace's arm and then pulled her out.
"Hey are you ok?"
"Yes, look we need to get out of here"
"Whats going on?"
"Just walk okay and don't look back smile and pretend we're having a good convo"
"Oh hell this whole stuff isn't over is it, I mean will it ever be. what now?"
"We need to get to the airport"
"We're going to Russia"
"Did something happen to Wes?"
"No, I don't have the details but we just need to meet Ji and Nick"
"Okay but do you have any cab money?"
"No need for that, I have the keys to one of the cars"
"How did you get that?"
"How else, I stole it"
It took half an hour for them to get at the airport, Ji and Nick found them, handed them their passports and air tickets.
"Wait, these are tickets to Ghana?"
"But I thought….." She had been thinking they were to meet the guys in Russia, she was wrong, they were going alone, the guys were sitting this one out.
"I'm sorry but its too dangerous to take you to Russia, we've wired half a million dollars in four parts and they are in your accounts in Ghana, use it in case anything arises, you also have us at your disposal, you're not to call Dianne, no one is to know where you are, no one but us and the guys, Alfre will meet you at the airport, but you cant go home okay"
"You know Alfre?"
"I met her in Russia" Ji Sun said.
"Looks like we're going on a vacation"
Solace said.
"Be safe girls" Ji Sun said and hugged them both.
Tears welled up in Adriana's eyes.
"I do hope we'll meet again"
"We hope so too" Nick rubbed her arm.
Both girls walked away.
"I hope they will be fine" Nick said as they watched them go.
"Me too Nick"


Dianne walked into the ladies rooms to find that they had left, she was not happy about it and neither were the two gentlemen beside her…..

Authors Note

Thanks for reading......i appreciate it......God bless.....but before you turn to the next chapter, please tap the star right below👇.....medaase.(thank you)

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