Chapter 2

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The nightmares started again that night terrifying Emma. She always had nightmares and thought she would be used to it by now, but her body wasn't and she woke up sweating like crazy as usual. She tried taking some of her mom's sleeping pills but they never helped.
She washed her face and sat on her bed thinking.
The nightmares always involved death in some way or form. She didn't quite understand them, but she wasn't sure she wanted to. Maybe her nightmares came from being worried all the time. She worried about the bills and her little sister. She worried about her parents and if what she told Emily was true. Just thinking of those things put her to sleep again and this time with no nightmares. Barely.

The walk to work the next day was better then the day before. The rain fell softly making the streets and park less busy. The air was cooler instead of humid. She could walk to work without distractions, but enjoying the rain. She was running late for work again and she knew she would need a good explanation for it, but it was hard trying to get to work when walking so far every day. She tried to leave earlier, but it never worked out for her.

Her friend, Beth was waiting for her in the kitchen when Emma came. She had her hands on her hips like a mother and gave Emma the stare down. Emma hung her jacket up and forced a smile making Beth even more mad.

"I covered for you, but not again. You don't want to lose this job I got for you, do you?"

"Calm down Beth. I am here. Walking for miles tends to make you late. That and I was really enjoying the rain. Haven't you ever done that?" Emma asked slipping her apron on. Beth was more of an outdoors person then Emma so she already knew the answer to her question before Beth could answer.

Beth smiled and began cooking. "I do actually. I hope you enjoyed it because Patrick is here today and wants a perfect performance. Goodluck."

"Thanks for the warning." Emma said going to take her first order for the day. Patrick was the head boss and very strict when it came to his customers. He wanted everything perfect and when one thing was out of order, he went crazy. He was always red faced and freaking out over every small detail. His blonde hair was a mess from him constantly rubbing his head in frustration. He was that guy who made straight A's and panicked if he got a C.

He stopped Emma on her way to the front and rubbed his head. He looked stressed already.

"The health inspector comes today. Please make sure that the customers are happy and that you rush their orders to them. No lacking or your fired."

Emma nodded and rolled her eyes. That was his way of saying he will overlook her being late again and if she puts on a good performance today. She could do that.
Work lasted for what felt like forever. People were being extremely friendly today. Not one person gave her a hard time. She did see the health inspector sitting in the corner waiting for his meal and she saw him leave with a smile. That made the boss happy and he was freakishly friendly to everyone the rest of the day. In the mood he was in, she could have probably asked him for a raise and he would have given it. It was the first time she left work with a smile on her face.

Emma decided to take her time going home by detouring through town. Then she saw the newspaper on the stand with the headline:

The Wilson Burning

She grabbed a paper and read it. The Wilson's were murdered in a house fire that remained unsolved. The Wilson's were friends of the family. Mr. Wilson was her dads best friend and the cruelest man she had ever met in her life.
She paid for the paper and rushed home wanting her dad to see it.

Her mother was smoking a cigarette by the window eating peanuts and did not even look up when Emma burst in the house. Her dad was sitting at the table sharpening his knife when Emma slammed the paper down in front of him. She was doing that dramatic thing to get his attention which worked. Most of the time.

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