Chapter 15

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"So where did you live before you came here?"

Emma was stocking the shelves of headache medicine and had become oblivious to him talking to her. It had been very slow in the Pharmacy and Kevin decided to help her out. The work went faster but he wanted to keep conversation and she wasn't big into it.


"That's cool. Did you like it there?" He asked opening a box.

"Not really. It is wasn't home to me." She said once again thinking of Emily.

He nodded sensing she didn't want to talk about it. He handed her the box he just opened. She began emptying it and listening to the music on the intercom.

"Have you lived here all your life?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Nothing exciting about that, right?" She smiled. "I was planning on going to Hollywood. Maybe become an actor. I'm big into Shakespeare."

Emma made a disgusted face. She hated learning about Shakespeare. When they read his plays in school, she had gotten into Spark notes and read those. She passed everytime. Not only were they hard to read, but her attention just couldn't stay on them. Spark notes was the only thing that helped her pass.

"Wow. That's........that's so lame."

He smiled and nodded in agreement. "It is I admit, but one day, I will be famous and you will be looking at me wishing you had agreed with me."

He walked off leaving her shaking her head at him. If only he knew she may not have a future. She may be locked up for life. She hasn't told him anything not that she wanted him to know, but it upset her more knowing she couldn't stay here for too long.

When work ended, Emma helped close up then she made the long walk back to her apartment. Before she could get far, Kevin joined her.

"I can give you a ride. I see you walking everyday. It's no problem."

"Thanks, but I prefer walking. It helps me think."

He smiled and nodded. "Well, if you ever want a ride, call me."

He waved and left. Emma smiled and went home. It had been peaceful for the past couple of days. There was nothing on the news so far and no nightmares. She was happy about that. Maybe she was done with it.

She had gotten to know Kevin some more. He was really big into Literature. He could recite almost every line in Romeo and Juliet. It was interesting listening. His uncle owned three more Pharmacy's, but none were close in range. One was in Pennsylvania and the other was in New York. Kevin mentioned his uncle mostly worked at the one in New York. If his uncle decided to retire, then Kevin would get it. His parents were a bit jealous about it, but Kevin was excited.

Emma really liked him. He was fun to talk to and loved to laugh. Sometimes he would make jokes about himself and just laugh. Emma couldn't help but laugh with him. He was a character. That was for sure. She knew she would miss him. She would miss the laughs and the jokes. She would miss hanging out with him after work talking about things she didn't really care about. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to be happy. To feel something for someone. She felt like she belonged here with him.

A huge storm hit hard. Emma closed her windows and turned the news on. The fires were being mentioned again. Emma turned the volume off and lay down on the couch. She had heard the same thing over and over again. It was boring. The good thing was, they weren't showing her picture. She was free to walk around here and enjoy what time out of prison she had. Kevin was nice, but he was all about doing the right thing and he would most likely turn her in if he knew she was the killer. She worried everyday that he would read the paper and see her face but as the weeks carried on, he showed no signs of having read it. That would hurt. She would feel her first heartbreak and that would suck while being the killer that she is. She didn't want to hurt him. He was a good guy. She knew what it was like to get hurt by people. She would never subject anyone to that same fate.

The wind picked up making a tree hit the side of the building. She saw the light from the lightning light up the night sky. It was bright. She remembered when she was younger and it stormed for the first time. She was just as scared as Emily was. They had spent the whole night holding onto one another praying that the storm would end. Rain had leaked through their ceiling onto their bed so they had shared Emma's bed which hadn't gotten soaked. Thinking of Emily made Emma's tears fall. She missed her so much. She wished she were here and that they could just stay on the run together. She let herself cry and then she fell asleep.

"You look like you hadn't slept well. I have some sleeping pills you can take." Kevin said handing her a bottle of Melatonin. She had some of her own that Patsy had given her. She hadn't taken them since the first time. She figured she was safe to not take them anymore. She shook her head no and continued cleaning the floors.

"I have some at home." She said.

He finished with the register and locked it up. It had been another slow work day and Emma was starting to think she was wasting her time. Only a few people came in. She was really getting bored now. Kevin was quieter today then normal and because of that, it was even more boring.

Just then, a man with newspapers came in and handed Kevin some. "We are running late today, but the storm blew out some of our machines. If there isn't enough here, call us back."

Kevin nodded and paid the man. He put them on the shelves and sighed. "Sucks when people can't do their job right. Oh, hey, look. Reporters said that the police have hid a woman named Barbie Madison. They think she might be next." So he did know about the fires but she was safe for now.

Emma took the paper and read it. Barbie Madison. The evil aunt that Emma hated. Why were they hiding her? Emma hadn't thought about Barbie in a long time. She had forgotten she was even around. Why were they already hiding her?

She glanced at Kevin and noticed he was no longer interested but fiddling with a string on his jeans. Emma tossed the paper aside and pretended not to care either.

She was almost afraid to mention it again and bring it up even more. If he started asking questions, she would feel obligated to answer and she couldn't do that. She couldn't risk him digging for information.

"Any plans after work?" She asked changing the subject.

He smiled and glanced at her. "Time to start some fires."

His words had her freaked out until he started explaining the video game he loved to play. He would set cars on fire just to be destructive. As he explained it all to her, he got excited with each detail. She never played video games and so she was interested to hear more. By the time he was done explaining, she was completely interested. She just hoped they were really that fun.

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