Worst/Best Book Ever!

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If any of you have ever read before i fall you would know what I'm talking about!

P.S. Spoilers

It is like the best romance but worst... everything else!

It ends with the girl dying... scews meah!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS BULLCRAP!! 

I signed up for romance!! And you expect her to live on! 




K? Why would you do that to the main character?

And it ends with the girl looking over her and like say 'Why did you save me?'



Why the heck do you think she saved you...? I have no intent to make fun of or say that this isn't a good book because it is just...

That girl's dense!!!!

Like I get she's been through so much but after someone chases after you to get you to stop... 


Or something other then jumping! 

Cause I wanted more romance between Kent and Sam! Not like... yeah no, but like fluff!

I love fluff and they only kissed like THREE TIMES!!!

EXCUSE MEH! *sigh* 

I still can't get over the cliff hanger like ending!

I keep thinking that she'll just wake up in her room to the alarm clock like she had been for the past seven days but she doesn't!!

I also thought that she would tell someone about the repeating days!

Sorry if this irritates anyone but I just had to get this off my chest before crying again. I just  really love and hate the book DX!!

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