First Love? - Part 2

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The day seemed to drag, as all we could do was lie or sit in our tents waiting for the storm to pass, even the leaders stayed in their chalets over the far side of the clearing. 

The team leaders were really just our teachers from school who had volunteered to come along to camp and supervise us, though the camp director managed them during our stay.  It was funny to see them being told what to do by someone else and then relaying the instructions to us, as if they knew what they were doing. 

It seemed to humanise them slightly and I admit that they weren’t that bad compared to when we were in school, in fact Mr Dawson was great fun, he fooled around like a big kid with the rest of us.  Though it was weird when he would shower with the rest of us as it made you feel a little uncomfortable having someone 30ish with the rest of us, though it was funny when he would towel whip some of the guys (as long as it wasn’t you on the receiving end).

On this day though they were all locked away keeping dry and we seemed to have been left to do our own thing, as long as we didn’t attempt to visit the girls camp (try telling Gav and Nev that).  So we played Cluedo and Cards in the tent up until lunch time, me, Stuart and Pete.

Stuart sat cross legged like a little skinny Buddha opposite me and Pete was lying diagonally across the tent propping himself up by resting on his left elbow with his head close to my right side. I just lay on my stomach with my chin resting on one hand whist the other held cards or moved my pieces on the Cluedo board.

For some reason I was finding this slightly uncomfortable as I kept getting waves of Pete’s very distinct odour, not a nasty horrid one but a clean erotic type of smell.  OMG, why did I think it erotic?

That’s so weird, and thoughts of what Stuart had said kept bumbling around in my head “You’re so grumpy when he’s not around”, “You’re always up his arse, and when you’re with him you ignore everyone else”.  I also kept thinking about him lying with us in the night and that kept making me feel so excited inside, sort of a numbing thrill moving from my head downwards and it always made me flush red in my face right down my neck and chest.

I also noticed that Stuart kept looking at me, raising an eyebrow, and then smile in a knowing sort of way.  He would sometimes wait until he knew I was looking at him and then flick his eyes sideways towards Pete and smirk, so what was his problem and what was he meaning?

“Come on dreamer, it’s your turn”, Pete shocked me out of my thoughts, “and where’s your head, in fairy land?”

“What you mean by that, I’m no fucking fairy!”

“Hey, hold up kidlet, I was only getting you back to earth, I didn’t mean anything”, he said apologetically and at the same time looked so dejected.

“What’s the issue Lyle, why you saying you’re not a fairy, he didn’t say you was, he meant you was day dreaming, that’s all”, explained Stuart, who also looked hurt by what I had inferred by Pete using the term ‘Fairy’.

[Authors Note: The term Fairy in the 70’s was similar to saying faggot nowadays]

“Oh, sorry just sorta didn’t think, I was miles away, and Mrs Sharpe would kill you for that grammar Stuart, its ‘didn’t say you were, not, was’”, I said defensively.

Stuart glowed red and shouted, “Oh fuck off you nerd, who cares how I say something now, we ain’t in class now fuckwit”.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to get at you it just slipped out”

“Yeah, like your dick at night”, he started to laugh.

I scrambled up, jumped on him, and proceeded to twist his arm around his back to give him a Chinese burn.

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