No Longer

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No Longer


In the past
I wished the trials
Would end fast
And never come again

Now I no longer
Wish it away
But to grow greater
In faith I pray

I no longer
Question why
But pray to be stronger
And not cry

I no longer
Want to satisfy
My own desire for pleasure
But seek to have His Fire

I no longer
Want to be the same
But to be wiser
And transformed to be like Him

I no longer
Crave for the world
But to be deeper
In love with the Lord

I know the trials
Are meant to make me
So I must not run from the trials
That I may fulfil my destiny

Response :

[5/17, 22:32] S: 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😇

JHKC: 👍👏👏👏

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