x. @Hypsiphobia

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Who is you favourite boy(s) to write about?

Niall, Liam, Louis

What topic(s) do you prefer writing about most?


When did you start writing fanfiction?

I started writing fanfiction last year in May when I first discovered Wattpad. They were okay, but my writing style has improved dramatically.

What is one of your inspirations to write fanfiction?

I was very much inspired by @BelWatson, @CorinnaWalsh (think that's her username) and @1DNarnianLou

Is writing a career or a hobby?

My writing is currently a hobby, but I wish to turn it into career.

If you see writing as a hobby, would you think of it as a career in the future?

Yes, I would love to be a writer in the future.

Do you ever have writers block? If you do, how do you over come it?

I don't really get 'writer's block' - I don't believe in it. If you get it, plan [which I don't do], listen to music, read - anything but write. The ideas WILL come.

Do you work with an outline or do you just write?

I just write. Bad, I know. But I'm sure when i think of an idea for a novel, I will plan, but for know, I'm a writer, not a planner.

What is the easiest part of writing a story?

I enjoy writing the beginning and coming up with characters and story ideas.

What is the hardest part of writing a story?

The hardest part of writing for me is actually finishing a story.

I have never finished one [whoops.]

What is your main goal of writing stories on wattpad?

My main goal is to make people happy, inspire them and have a laugh. I love connecting with my fans and reading other writer's work.

Do you want any of your stories to be published?

I'd love to have a story published one day, but right now, I'm good.

What would you like to tell people that are new to wattpad and are just beginning to post stories?

Never give up. You will get votes/comments and reads IF your story IS good enough.

One quote I came up with was "When in doubt, write it out," so always keep writing, no matter what people think of your book/s. IT'S your writing, and nobody can change it.

Good luck x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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