Who is you favourite boy(s) to write about?
Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis
What topic(s) do you prefer writing about most?
Romance, Mystery, Topics that are prominent in today's society and media.
When did you start reading fanfiction?
I started reading preferences on tumblr about two and half years ago, that turned into imagines, and then by about a year and a half ago I was reading fancitions. It wasn't until about half a year ago, during the summer, that I would read the ENTIRE fanfiction because if it had smut I would find it incredibly awkward.
When did you start writing fanfiction?
I started writing fanfiction maybe two years ago when I started reading it, but it was all really bad. I haven't posted anything to wattpad until this previous December because I felt too embarrassed to post anything else because it was either really cliche and naive, or I wasn't proud of it and didn't feel like I should be sharing it with people.
What is one of your inspirations to write fanfiction?
I think one of my inspirations is myself, in the least cockiest way as possible. I've always done stuff for other people, and let myself be pushed around, and it's not until recently that I've started doing the things I want to and when I want to do them. I also set these high expectations for myself, and I have expectations here, but they aren't as high because I am writing for fun--writing for me.
Is writing a career or a hobby?
Right now, it is definitely a hobby. I go to a boarding school so my day is basically 8am-9pm Mon-Fri, and then on Saturday, 10-4. I write whenever I have free time because it is something I enjoy doing.
If you see writing as a hobby, would you think of it as a career in the future?
I am definitely considering it as a career in the future. It is something that I love to do, and I am going to sound like a major dork, but I love deciphering the difference between denotation and connotation when I am writing. I think it is something really special if you can have a way with words, and create a whole set of people and a story for them.
Do you ever have writers block? If you do, how do you over come it?
I am always writing and there is always something that I want to write. I may not know exactly what I want to write for the next chapter but I will be writing something.
Do you work with an outline or do you just write?
I always have a map of where I want to go, but I've always had trouble trying to write those maps down (for school I always write my story and then write the outline if I have to hand it in).
What is the easiest part of writing a story?
When writing a story, nothing is particularily easy, however, when I'm writing fanfiction, it is easier to create the boys' characters because they are real people. If I'm writing fanfiction, but I want to "cheat," I base a character in my story off of someone in real life. I recently wrote a short story for school and I based the Head of Discipline off of a teacher at my old school.
What is the hardest part of writing a story?
EVERYTHING. I always try to pay attention to detail and grammar. I find the beginning very hard to write because it is that people read the most, and you need to impress them. I always have trouble finishing it because I become VERY attached to the characters.
What is your main goal of writing stories on wattpad?
To impress myself. I am really proud of them (my stories), so I share them, and if people like them them then it is a bonus.
Do you want any of your stories to be published?
I don't really want any of my wattpad ones to be published--I think it would be a bit awkward if I had a university or a job interview and they puled up Hawkeye or Pornstar. I am thinking of writing as a career though so I hope to be published one day.
What would you like to tell people that are new to wattpad and are just beginning to post stories?
Just post. Don't worry about the numbers at all. Numbers DO NOT define you as a person. And have fun and make friends! If you want a friend, PM me! I'll happily talk to you!