Chapter 1

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Just letting you know in advance I'm not a good writer nor do I care, Ima write it the way that I want and If there's a lot of spelling that needs to be corrected than my bad maybe tell me and I'll fix it other than that enjoy!



I groan and hit my alarm button on snooze, another morning and another exhausting day to even go into work.

I get up and check my phone, 34 text messages just from my boss.

I roll my eyes and put my phone down to get ready for work, mascara, eyeliner, and red lipstick. That's all I need as I put on my work outfit, It's the usual black blazer and my black pencil skirt with red heels.

My phone rings again, Elaine is calling.

I answer "Hey" while going downstairs

"Want to meet up and get coffee, I barely see you anymore! I need to catch up with you"

I smile but then sigh "You know I can't, Jackson would murder me."

"Come on Chantel! You can never take a break"

She's right but I look at my folder that my boss Jackson Bieber told me to do before he goes off office and see that it's still stacked up on my counter " I promise once I finish all his tasks I will, I miss you" and I hang up and take my car keys for my Honda Civic and drive off before Jackson spams my phone.

I work at Bieber's Entrepreneurs Company as an assistant for three years now, It wasn't my first option but I make a lot more than what I was going to make being a teacher.

I park right where it says my name next to Jackson Bieber, he's the boss, the CEO here and he is incredibly rich, tall, fit for his age as 58, he's not the nicest boss but he gives me a lot of raises so It's not as bad.

I take my box of paperwork and folder that Mr. J Bieber has me working on until tomorrow since he is going out of office, I'm not sure who is taking his place but he tells me not to worry about it.

I take the elevator and go all the way to the top, 64 floors.

I walk through, everyone greeting me as I'm about to walk into my office to put my stuff down I hear my name.

"Chantel Catherine Marez get over this instant to my office!" Jackson says in the speaker that I have in my office.

I get out the office to see Zac heading to give me coffee.

"It's always great to see you" Zac jokes, a coworker of mine who likes to tease he's a co-manager and makes my job go by a little smoother.
"U able to go out for food later tonight with me"

"You know I can't" I smile as he walks me to Mr.Bieber's door and opens it for me, I swear he asks me out to eat everyday.

"Good luck" Zac whispers and I walk into his office with Mr. J Bieber yelling at the new lady who just the job here as a messenger.

"Ur Fired!" He says to her before he sits back down.

Great he's in another mood.

I take a big breath and clear my throat before sitting down waiting till she left "Yes Mr.-"

The phone rings and he holds out his hand basically telling me to hold on.

"Yes?" He answers and quick his face expression went from angry to the most angriest I ever seen him" You get into my office this instant! I don't care! When are you going to learn that - No you will not and I will take everything you have if you don't come- I don't give a fuck you know what I could do to your career- you have 15 minutes" He puts down the phone and I wait for him to talk.

He just sits there.

"Hello"I awkwardly say

"Get everyone to go in the meeting room in the next 5 minutes, I have a huge announcement" He says sharply and I nod.

I look around the office seeing everybody is on the computer or chatting in the coffee room, I decide to go on a table to get everyone's attention and clap my hands "Everyone, EVERYONE!" I yell as everyone finally turns" Ok good, so I need everyone to head to the meeting room it will start shortly and whoever does not show up in the next 5 minutes..well you know what he will do" I shout and everyone does what I say.

Zac walks by me like I knew he would "I bet it's about who is going to take his place"

Jackson is retiring and everyone knew he was but not so soon, he is a millionaire and he is great at his job but because of the press and all the stories saying he can't handle the business anymore, and to me I noticed myself...It got the best to him and one night he came in work drunk and it got him in a lot of trouble that the following week I noticed he had me try to make calls on who would take his place but nothing that really caught his eye so I'm a bit surprised that he found one and didn't let any of us know.

"Great he's going to fire us all" Nick the computer wizard, well that's what I call him says, hes usually always making jokes.

"Shut up" Teresa says as we all our taking our seats, I sit next to her, and Zac.

Jackson Bieber comes in the room, and everyone becomes silent.

"Alright so I'm going to go right ahead and say this that we all know I'm going to retire" He speaks in a tone that I couldn't tell what he was feeling"So I know tomorrow this is going to be the first thing on the news so before they-"

All of a sudden the door opens to a young man.....a gorgeous young man with brown slicked up hair and hazel chocolate eyes wearing a hoodie that had a owl on the corner and sweatpants. He looked unhappy.

"Wow he's a whole meal"Teresa whispers to herself but I could hear her and so could Zac.

"I told you to wear something professional and clean" Jackson harshly says "Not like you just fucking woke up"

"You told me to come in 15 minutes so I did" He gave him a dirty look and everybody in the room was shocked by that moment since nobody talks back to Mr. J Bieber "Be happy I came" he adds.

"Go fix yourself! You are embarrassing me" Jackson whispers angrily to him but we all could hear him

"Nah" this mystery man says, I study him and how his face expression stayed unbothered like he didn't care about anything at all.

"Damn who is this kid?" Zac whispers in my ear and I shrug wanting to know the same thing.

Jackson clears his throat "I'm not going to argue with you" He takes out the seat he usually sits in to have this man sit in it. And he does.

"This is my son Justin, he will be taking over the company until I find a better replacement" He says looking down at Justin in a way as if he was going to kill him.

I laugh a little and Jackson looks at me. I change my face real quick.

"So Justin why don't you introduce yourself" Jackson pats Justin's back

"Alright so-" Justin gets up in a cocky way and fixes a piece of hair to go up out of his face" I just got dumped 30 minutes ago and as you know my dad's an ass and instead of letting me stay on the low for a little bit he wants me to take a business I never fucking wanted and-"

"That's enough Justin" He cuts him off" You know wh- Meeting over. Everyone out!"

Everyone than again does as he says and I slowly walk out looking at Justin one last time before leaving.

I wonder what its going to be like working with him


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