Chapter 3

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I take my car to the cheesecake factory that Zac wanted to meet up at and notice that the whole parking lot was packed so I drove farther away to find a parking spot, with no luck I decided to park nearby and walk across the street.

It's never really this packed but I haven't been here in a while so It might have gotten a lot more customers.

I get out my car and grab my purse before closing the door, right when I do I hear a bunch of commotion like yelling from all sorts of people, so I decide to check it out. I walk over to the sidewalk and I hear a voice that sounded familiar so I get closer to see a bunch of flashes from tons of cameras and people surrounding what seemed like a man. Is it a celebrity?  my curiosity got the best of me and I walk closer and realize its Justin.

"Get the fuck away from me I'm trying to get in my damn car" He yells out, covering his face with his hoodie"You about to get fucked up in a minute if you don't move"

Why is there so many people trying to get pictures of him, its worse than his dad who is quite famous just for being a millionaire kinda like shark tank but his dad could go in and out places. Justin's face expression seemed pissed, I look over to see that his limo could barely even get through the crowd because how many people were blocking the streets all because they wanted to get pictures of Justin.

The only thing I could think of is to get into my car and maybe get him in somehow, so I rush over to my car and get in. I drive by the sidewalk that he was at and drive back a little since I was almost in all that chaos, a car was behind me but noticed immediately that the street was being blocked by all those people so It drove back and went another way. Perfect, I could just drive back and take a right once I get Justin's attention.

I start to beep over and over as I see a little sighting of Justin in the crowd, He looked right at my car. I hope he could see that it's me and not some stranger trying to get his attention. All of a sudden I can no longer see him so I open the window and pop my head out to get a better look and boom I see a huge fight going on right into the crowd and Justin just running through right to my direction. The crowd following him. Fuck.

I back up a little so I'm ready to drive off when he gets in and I see that the crowd is almost up to his trail but he ends up running faster and hops in the front seat next to me "Go" he yells and I drive fast as possible far from the paparazzi and take drastic turns that finally got everyone off my back.

"Shit" he says out of breathe and takes out his phone"I got to call off my limo" before putting the phone in his ear.

I slow down when I notice from my rearview mirror that no one is behind me"Take a left here" he says and I do as I'm told. I finally turn to look at him for a second and see how angry and stressed he looked, he was breathing heavily and his hair was all over the place as he just stays put, looking down for felt like a while. It was almost like he didn't know what to say.

"all because of fucking Hailey" he finally says, clearing his throat"It wasn't like this before, I could leave somewhere without 40 people showing up and trying to get pictures" he than buckles up his seatbelt and I could feel his eyes on me as I try to keep my eyes on the road"Where were you going before you helped me out?"

Before I start to respond, I realize that I was supposed to meet Zac at cheesecake"Crap!" I say scrunching up my eyes and grabbing my phone, seeing 9 missed calls. I forgot. He's going to be so mad so I quickly unlock my phone and click messages.

"Aye no texting and driving" he comments and I briefly make eye contact with him, he was right so I nod and put my phone down.

He chuckles"So you had other plans?"

"Yeah I was going to eat with a friend"

"What friend?"

I look at him once again and he raises his eyebrows urging for me to continue


He gives a small smirk and lays back on the seat"Interesting"

I look at him in curiosity but look back on the road"Where am I going?"

"There's a gas station close by"

I look around and notice it a mile away "Why am I dropping you off there?" 

"You got to get back to your date" he smiles.
So pretty.
Wait."Its not a date" I snap, shaking my head.
He starts to put his hoodie over his head "Anyway, my limo's going to be there" he looks at the window and he seems to be looking for someone "I can't have you take me home especially when I know paparazzi is going to be there waiting for me" he sighs.

I wanted to ask what happened between him and hailey since it seems like that is one of the reasons why paparazzi our all over him but I kept my mouth shit and watch him move his hair to the side. He then notices that I'm staring and he looks back right into my eyes and grins.

I look down quickly and his phone starts to ring.

" there's my ride" he says as I pull up to limo.

" I just want to say thank you" he winks before heading out the car "I see why Jackson has you as his assistant" and he closes the door running over to his ride and getting in.

What a night, I see his limo drive off and I sit in my car smiling way too much. No, you can't be serious. Keep ur mind on work not him.

I look at the time, it's 9:42. I'm just going to go home.

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