Chapter 5

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I start typing up a storm, almost finishing the project he had me doing, trying not to distract myself and think about what he said to me an hour ago.

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything and continued on with my day. Why do I got to open up my mouth. Whatever, he's my boss. Stop thinking about him. It won't work. It just won't.

I than hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" I yell.

It was Justin.

I fix myself real quick and adjust my dress.

He closes the door behind him"Hey, I wanted to apologize on what I said earlier" He says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"No it's okay" I smile.

"No i'm sometimes an asshole and I sometimes get so angry and shut people out" a smile forms his mouth"I want you to come with me to this party"

"I couldn't" I shake my head, surprised he even invited me"I totally get it, you were upset I should of never said anything"

"Nah trust me I need you there, what you said I feel like all the cameras and people will get me irritated but I feel like you can calm me down a little"He continues"I need to get to know you since were going to work with each other.. I just need somebody to go with that won't go cause I'm yanno...Justin Bieber"

I looked at how genuine and kind he was trying to be, I hate public parties. I get nervous at every single one of them but I just smiled and said"Yes, sure"

He smirked confidently, like he knew I was going to say yes all along"Alright you can leave work early to get ready, I'll pick you up at 6" and he walks out the office.

I started getting nervous, I have no idea what to wear. I start googling dresses and look at the time, I only have three hours.

I close my laptop and quickly leave to go shopping.

6:02 P.M

I move my bangs to the side and look at the mirror, I think I look decent.

Who am I kidding..this dress is too tight, I look too dark. I take off the black lipstick I had on and apply red lipstick. I hear a car beep in front of my house. I look out the window, oh my god a limo.

I grab my purse and spray all sorts of perfume and run out, Justin bodyguard was out holding the door for me.

I sit and see Justin on the other side of the seat, just staring at me.

"Wow" he grins"beyond beautiful"

I couldn't help but blush"Thank you"

The ride was a little awkward, more because he was too gorgeous that I was scared to even talk because I just didn't want to sound stupid.

I watch him fix a strand of hair and he takes out champagne "You want a sip before we go out there with all that craziness?"

I almost shake my head but nod quickly.

He laughs and pours a little for me and hands it to me while he pours a whole cup for him and drinks it all in one gulp.

I try to do the same but the taste surprised me a little.

The car stops and all I see is lights and loudness from out the window. I start to panic.

Justin puts his hand on my knee" Don't worry, take a deep breathe"

I guess he noticed I was freaking out, and I take a big breathe. "I'm not used to these things"

"I am so you'll be okay" He smiles" Just hold my hand and were going to walk through all of it"

I nod and we get out the door, he takes his hand out for me to grab and I hold it as tight as I can because I could see the cameras snapping away and people starring right at us.

I see a bunch of celebrities and important people talking to people with cameras and other people walking into this party.

I look at Justin who doesn't look at one certain person and keeps walking through people who keep tapping his shoulders.
"Justin can we speak with you" is all I hear,
He still walking through hundreds of people, pictures being taken everywhere.
We finally end up at the door entrance where there is security holding a list, they saw Justin and immediately opened the door for him.
We walk in and the place was beautifully done, with loads of well known people, and loud music.
He tightens my hand and I can see in his face that he as well isn't prepared for this.
"Ur going to see how these snobby, cocky, millionaires party" he whispers to me
I look around and see Katy Perry and someone run over to us
"Justin it's so good to see you" she puts her arms out and Justin lets go of my hand to hug her.
"How u been? You look good" she smiles, touching his shoulders.
"Good, Ima go get a drink, it was nice seeing you" he completely ignored her, didn't even look at her while saying that" Want to drink?" He asks me
I nod and walk with him.
He tells the bartender something that I couldn't hear.
"Oh my god baby" Miley, someone I looked up to for yeeaaarsss comes over to Justin.
She looked damn near drunk.
"Dammit" I hear him say, and he grabs my hand and pulls me through a bunch of people.
"We gotta find-" He looks through the crowd and pulls me over to a group that looked familiar.
"Justin Bieber" the female says with her strict British accent" I'm glad you came"
"I just came to talk about this deal" He responses, with no remorse in his body.
"Is this ur new girlfriend?" She says, her eyes still on me.
"It wouldn't matter" he barks back
"Ok so let's talk" she points at the people she was with and they walk away.
Justin looks at me" Check to see if the bartender got our drinks, ok?"
I just nod and walk away, clearly he didn't want me to hear this little deal.
I am now by myself and this is where I can feel myself getting awkward so I rush over to the bartender and he hands me a little cup of whiskey.
"He told me not to give you a lot" He shrugs" but if you want more I can add more"
I give a small smile" No this is fine" and I take the sip and stand near the bar for Justin to find me.
"Why you standing all alone?" I hear and look up to see an attractive man standing right in front of me.
"I'm just waiting for somebody" I reply and notice he's trying to get the bartenders attention by waving his hands
"A boyfriend?" He raises a eyebrow
"That's a win for me" he chuckles at his comment" My name is Dylan O'Brien"
"You- You play in that movie"
"Damn right" he winks" and that shit wasn't easy" he adds and the bartender hands him his drink.
"You know me so well guy" and takes the shot, he makes a cringe face and looks back at me
" Ay so listen whats ur name cause a bunch of these people are going to my after party" He leans a little closer to me" come"
I could tell he was getting tipsy"Um my name is -"
"Chantel" Justin walks over and glares at Dylan
"Oh look Justin Bieber ha it's not a surprise you know her" Dylan rolls his eyes and crosses his arms
What's that suppose to mean?
"She isn't one of them so go search somewhere else" he snaps, his voice getting grassy and deeper
"Ay, I wasn't ev-"
Dylan stops talking and I feel someone behind us "Justin" a female says and Justin turns quickly back
"Selena" he lets out a huge sigh and I look to see a beautiful, black long haired model right in front of us.
His ex girlfriend would be here

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