A Trip to the Mansion

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Yuvell's POV

"Whelp... this is boring" I sighed. I was sitting in the car with my cousin Yui, on our way to the Sakachi household...? I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention when I was given this information. It's not everyday that you are told to live with some strangers, especially when you come back from a trip from London.

Oh, did I forget to mention?

I came back from my circus trip in London. The name of the circus I was in was called "Magnificent Creatures". We were known for our wild pets. You could say I was one of the main stars because I was an animal tamer... I don't really like that title though.....I would call it more of a companionship.

Anyway, back in London, my circus buddies and I got to meet up with some cool people from another circus. I think the name was "Noah's Ark". Everybody there seemed so unique and friendly. It's a shame we didn't get to stay too long. That one guy named Snake seemed really cool. Beast was cool too but I didn't like the animal abuse, there are different ways on getting the animals under control beside using a whip. Before I left London, I really wanted to ask them if they...

"Yuvell, are you ready to go? We're already here." Yui's voice had broken my train of thought and is now looking down at me from outside the car. I look out the car door and see a huge mansion with a garden to the side and a water fountain up front.

How long was I daydreaming?? With the dark clouds filling the sky, it makes the place look eerie.
Oh well, it's no use judging the outside of this place. Time to see what our new home is like and hopefully the people there are friendly.

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