Chapter 11 - Secrets

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The picture is beautiful isn't it?
Vall : oh yes it is, bc i made it. Everything i make is perfect *insert awkward laugh* right?.. No? Ok..



Grandma? What could happen to Carly's grandma?

That thought haunted me 'till night. I tossed and turned but I was still wide awake. "Why aren't you asleep yet baby?" Johnny's husky voice made me jump a little. "Oh um, I was thinking of something," I gulped. I couldn't keep it forever, right? Secrets are meant to be told, my dear friends. "Something's been bothering you this past few days am I right? Just tell me, I won't tell anyone. Besides, people always feel better after spilling out secrets," he put his arms around my waist, sucking and biting my neck. "Ahh... Stop.." I moaned out.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Fine!" I said, turning to him. "So, last year, I was in a relationship with a guy called Matthew. You might probably know him as MattyBRaps. We had a great relationship, he was pretty cool guy. Until he had sex with my best friend, ex-bestie actually. I thought he was cheating on me when I saw them on the couch, making love.  We weren't officially over yet but we never talked since. Until a few days ago, the day I met Matt in Target. He told me everything the next day. And I was to sorry for him to ditch him again and so I unleashed my anger on Carly, which is my ex-bestie. And yesterday she came and told me it isn't over yet. But when I wanted to start my car and drove away, I saw her crying behind a bush and saying I'm sorry grandma. And I don't know why but I can't sleep because of that!" I said it all on ons go. I sighed. "Shh.. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get through this. You're a strong girl Colls, don't let that Carly take tou down. As for Matty, I'm actually happy he got raped. If he didn't you'll still be with him and I'll be sad," he joked stroking my hair. "Haha. Seriously Johnny?," I layed down, "Sometimes I don't regret not being a nerd. I already have you." I placed a gentle kiss on his lips before drifting off to paradise.

Knock.. Knock

"Why hello there dear revenge queen. What brings you here today?" Matt asked, leaning on the doorframe. If you can't tell, I'm back at Matt's. "Umm, can I come in?" I asked. "Oh right. What are we doing today?" He asked, stepping backwards so I could get in. He sat on the couch before quickly standing up and making his way to the kitchen. "What do you want? You're bae?" He asked. "Yes! I haven't had time to go get some lately," I replied, sitting on the bar stool. My bae is called coffee. He's 346 years old. I know, he's very old, but he's amazing and sweet. Johnny knows him too. Actually, every human being does. They try to steal my bae. Wait. Why are we going off topic here? "Here's your delicious bae. What are we doing again?" He asked, placing my cup of espresso on the table. "Actually we're not gonna do anything. I just need to talk to you bout Carly," I said as he sat on the other stool.

"What's wrong with Carly? Last time I checked she was all savage."

"She was crying Matt. I saw her crying behind a bush yesterday."

"That bitch deserves it. She broke us after all."

"It's not that. She said something."

"Then fucking tell me what it is!"

"She said something like I'm sorry grandma. I mean like, what could happen to her."

"Wow. Maybe something happened to her granny? She may be doing this stuff for her grandma?"

"Ugh. I don't know. But what I do know is that we're gonna strike tonight. So, let's go shopping."

Matt and I went inside my car. He offered to drive but PUH-LEASE, this is my baby. Well this is my second bae but you get it! No one drives my black Lamborghini Estoque except me. So I declined his offer and sat on the driver's seat and drove of to Target.

"Umm, we need mayo. Yes I know she really hates the smell and consistency of it so it's perfect. We could also spray paint her stuff maybe? Oh I know! We could make her some treats like pickle popsicles. I know she hates pickles. And somehow she hates nail polish spills, I mean we all hate it but she literally screams everytime one spills, especially the dark colored ones. And maybe we could stick a New Year's horn or something behind her bedroom door," I squealed, excited. "Shut it! I'm not your slave Colls. Go get them yourself," he threw the items away. "You son of a butthole! Come back here you beast!" I said, attempting to tackle him but failed miserably. And what do you get from trying to tackle someone 3x bigger than you? Yes. You fall on your butt.


"You should've seen the look of your face. This is so going to be a really good meme," He laughed. "Did you seriously took a picture of me landing on my butt?" I asked, trying to stand, "Help me you idiot!" "Fine fine," He helped me up. I picked up alnothe items and turned around. What I saw shocked me. "Colle? What are you doing here? I thought you were at Mackenzie's house?" Johnny asked. "Um.. I'm revenge shopping?" I said, looking around for a tall blonde boy. "Who are you looking for?" He asked, raising his eyebrows that makes him look really hot. "Matt. We're planning to trash Carly's place tonight," I said. "Mind if I tag along?" He smirked.

"You sure we have everything? I'm too lazy to go back to shop for it," Johnny said, as we pay our stuff.


"Where is Matt anyway? I thought we're going with him?"

"Just let him be. I'll text him to meet us there later."


I stopped walking and turned around," What did you say?"

"Princess. Wait, wow. I'm not a guy who usually calls his girlfriends with private nicknames but I love this!" He smiled. "Aww. You're such a cutie!" I leaned in and kissed him but was cut short with a cough.

"Aww you lovebirds. Stip eating each others faces or I'll puke here, " He said, note the sarcasm. "You're just jealous you can't kiss her anymore," Johnny mocked. "You're jealous I was her first kiss," Matt fired back.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Am not."



"Stop fighting! You're acting like mindless kid zombies. Stop being jealous assholes. We all clearly know you both are jealous because I have myself," I said. Note the sarcasm. "Pfft. as if," the Johnny said, rolling his eyes.

"Welcome to Carly's apartment gentlemen. Feel free to do anything you want. Just don't ruin it to much," I said, stepping inside, "From my calculations, we have 3 hours till she arrives and notices our presence. So get trashing!" While the boys busy themselves, I walked inside Carly's bedroom. Everything was still the same, it felt like deja vu. I remember those old days when I used to come and hsng out here. We'd use to watch Pretty Little Liars and prank call friends. The string of poloroids we took are still stung over her bed with firefly light illuminating the room. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't realize a figure walking in.

"Colle? What are you doing here?"


Sorry for thr late update dear readers
Blame school for having so much tests that don't really build your future
I'll update as soon as possible considering I'm on vacation right now
See ya!

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