Chapter Nine

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This chapter is dedicated to UnknownDreamer13 because she has always been consistent in voting and commenting on my story. I really appreciate it (˘⌣˘) Thank you so much!

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. It felt like someone had lit a fire under my brain. I let out a loud groan that was sure to wake everyone in the house up and rolled over, trying to find a comfortable spot on the bed. My legs were stiff. I pushed away all thoughts of what had happened last night, trying not to bring up memories. It was way too early in the morning for that.

There came a small chirp from the beside table.

I rolled over again, unconsciously dismissing it as a bird outside. It sounded like one, at least. My eyes closed lazily, falling back into the dreamless stupor I had spent in all night. The chirping noise sounded again.

There was a pause.

Another chirp.

It took me a long moment to realize that the noise was coming from my phone and not a creature from outside. I yawned loudly and moved my fingers around until I felt the cold steel case. I picked it up, peeked with one eye, and then threw it back down.

It was an unknown number. In other words, it was unimportant.


I growled lowly and sat up, my vision whirling. I picked up the phone again, rubbing my sore head. Maybe I was coming down with something. I hoped so. It would give me an excuse not to see Scar in school today. I glanced at the pink alarm clock sitting beside my empty glass of water. The scarlet letters glowed 5:38 a.m.

I opened the new text message, read it, and froze.

There was a single word in the message.


I angrily slammed the phone down on the soft mattress. It had to be Scar. I didn't know how in the world he got my number. Probably from one of his scheming, assholey ways. Scar wasn't even far off from hiring a professional hacker to find the number. That's how much of a conniving nipple he was.

The phone chirped again.

Against my protesting mind, I picked the phone back up.

You there?

I contemplated on not answering him, but the curiosity was too much.

How did you get my number...?

I put the phone back down, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep before he could reply back. But I hadn't set the phone down one second too second when it chirped again. I groaned under my breath and looked at the screen.

I have my ways :)

A butthole response from a butthole. Why should I expect anything different? I rolled my eyes and typed in a quick reply.

It's six in the morning! Go away and LET ME SLEEP!!!

I put some more extra exclamation points for good measure, preferably for him to get the hint and leave me alone. Quickly, I stuffed the phone under the pillow next to mine. There came a faint chirp but I didn't bother checking it again. Scar wasn't my problem.

The pillow made a soft flump as I fell back. It was almost 6 in the morning now, but the sky was still a horrid black. Nighttime went slower during the winter, obviously. I had one hour to sleep before my father woke me up for school. And with what happened last night, I would need all the sleep I could get.

The sound was so quiet I almost missed it.

Just as I was about to close my tired eyes, there was a soft, barely there knock from the front door. At first, I didn't even think it was a knock. The sound was so quiet that I made myself think I had imagined it. I had to. Who in their right mind would be up at a time like this?

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