Chapter Seventeen

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"What are you going to do, Scar?" My voice cracked on his name.

Scar smiled, but it was a bitter one. He tugged my arm until I was closer to him than I had ever been before. My heart beat just a little bit faster. His hair smelled of coconut when he ran his fingers through them. They settled on his head like delicate strands of chocolate grass.

"Don't you worry about me, Genevieve Warrens." he whispered. I bit my tongue in the sheer nervousness I was feeling. Scar's eyes danced with the light of something dangerous, and it scared me. Whatever he was going to do, I knew it would be big.

Then with the slightest movement, he pushed me away.

I ran off to the building. The pounding of my feet matched my heartbeats, quick and rabid. Before going through the sparred fence, I couldn't help but glance back. The last thing I could see before someone stepped in front was an arm covered in colorful tattoos. Then it was gone.

Even though I knew Scar was more than capable of taking care of himself, apprehension prickled the back of my neck. I brushed it off and hurried towards the sleek glass doors. A big, grand sign standing between some fresh roses read out Initrode Barnes & King Incorporated.

So Sebastian owned the company. This should be interesting.

The inside of the building was as intimidating as it looked from the outside. A big lobby accompanied by a large, circular receptionist desk didn't even take up one-fourth of the room. The ceiling reached the heavens, a large dome with intricate designs that were far too high for me to see. A few men in business suits and women with posh buns eyed me strangely but said nothing. Besides the large American eagle behind an array of red, white, and blue stamped to the ground, there wasn't much color. Everything was a cold, steel gray. The seriousness reminded me of Scar.

I forced myself to walk up to the receptionist. The air temperature seemed to drop with every step I took. I was afraid my voice would magnify if I spoke, but I had to find Sebastian Barnes. Chills raised on my bare legs. The girl behind the counter was a prepped blonde. Her hair was pulled back into a strict bun that looked unnatural against her pale skin and her lips were redder than an apple. She had the eyes of a eagle, sharp and flicking with every movement.

"Hi." The words were barely audible. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Hello." I smiled to hide my discomfort. Her eyes snaked down my pathetic form, clearly judging. I must've been a sight to see, a dumb teenage girl amongst professionals.

"Good morning." The lady smiled. It was nice enough but I could see clear judgment in her eyes. She probably thought I wandered into the wrong place.

"Hi." You already said that, Genevieve. "May I speak to Sebastian Barnes?"

Her posture was immediately straightened. The name obviously meant something around here. Her blue eyes turned suspicious.

"Do you have an appointment? It must be planned 2 weeks in advance."

My face paled. Appointment?

"Um, no. But I assure you, this is incredibly important." I said.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." she shook her head firmly. "I take it you know who this man is?"


"Mr. Barnes is the CEO of Initrode Barnes and King Incorporated. He is a very busy man, and cannot be bothered by strangers. No offense, of course. If you must speak with Mr. Barnes, an appointment needs to be set 2 weeks prior or else it cannot happen. I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't let you see him." she explained. Her eyes were already on her computer even before she finished speaking. I shifted my weight awkwardly.

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