Chapter Twenty-Six

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Not to get all philosophical or anything, but hope does come in dark times. Especially when you need it the most.  Like when you're being kidnapped by quite possibly the most dangerous criminal alive. As Bogdan drove, my hope had already floated away as soon as he punched me. However, it was quick to return when the sound of roaring followed Bogdan's van. With a start, I moved to the back window and glanced out. My heart jumped to my throat.

Scar was quickly closing the distance as he tailed Bogdan's car at breakneck speed. I realized the dangerous situation that was quickly forming. Wherever Bodgan planned on taking me, it would surely be filled with other Bratva members. With Sebastian dead, Scar was going to be helpless. Also, we were speeding down the highway at a speed that broke the law. When I thought about it, I actually began to regret the fact that Scar had followed.

"Scar!" I pounded on the glass window. Bogdan realized what was happening and hit the gas pedal. The van sped up and Scar lost some distance. When I glanced back, he was gone. 

"Your friend is either very brave or very stupid." Bogdan said from the front seat. "Tell me, girl. How much will you miss him if he died?"

"Bogdan, please don't hurt him." I begged.

Scar was driving alongside Bogdan now. My heart dropped as Bogdan twisted around sharply, trying to throw Scar off course. A crash sounded from behind. An ice cream truck had crashed, causing the two other cars behind it to collide with each other. More collisions sounded as Bodgan and Scar swerved from lane to lane. I screamed as Scar had an almost-fatal moment with a garbage truck.

This was supposed to happen in movies, not real life!

I picked up a book that was laying on the van floor and threw it against the side window. Shrapnel from the glass flew outside as it broke, allowing heavy gusts of wind to blow into my face. Scar's car, probably stolen, was just barely keeping up with Bodgan. Blind panic rose to my throat. 

"What have you gotten yourself into now, kitten?" Scar groaned. Bogdan sped up.

"Ram the van, you idiot!"

"Ram what?!" he shouted back. Sweat trickled down my neck in fear. My stomach was in knots.

"The car, Scar! Hey, that rhymed too!" I shrieked. The wind created by the speed Bodgan was driving with made it hard to communicate even though the space between the car was small. Bodgan and Scar both continued to tunnel down the highway at breakneck speed. It was like that scene in Identity Thief, only a hell of a lot more real. I wasn't even sure that Bodgan was really even watching where he was going. A truck rushed past, thrown off course by the confusion caused by both cars. Behind us, screeching halts and screams floated into the air. "Hit the corner of Bodgan's van! He'll be thrown off course!"

"Are you crazy?" Scar screamed back. He was having a hard time paying attention to the road ahead and keeping up with Bogdan's ridiculous speed at the same time. "Have you forgotten that you're inside the van as well? It's going to flip over!"

Sweet baby llamas, I was so dead.

"Then it will flip over, dammit! Just do it!" I was afraid to admit that I actually had no clue if this would work or not. Scar shook his head violently, absolutely refusing to endanger my life to kill Bodgan. I had watched enough movies to know that people could survive a car flip. I just hoped I would be one of those people.

"Listen, Scar!" It was now or never. "If Bodgan takes me to wherever he's planning, then we're both screwed! We can't fight against the entire Russian mafia on our own. So throw him off course before he can get there, Scar. The van won't flip. According to the gravitational force, added with the calculations of how hard the impact will be, I can conclude that-"

Without any warning, the van was hit hard. Everything slid to the right and I went along with it. Something solid banged against my temple in all the confusion. I could hear Bodgan cursing something in Russian as the van swiveled violently and then came to a forced stop. My world went blind momentarily. Wincing, I found enough strength to push open the van door. Bogdan was unmoving in the driver's seat. I couldn't tell if he was dead or knocked out.

"Are you okay? Dammit, Genevieve. You could have died!" Scar growled angrily. Thankfully unscathed, he strode to where I sat and pulled me into his embrace. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as his arms tightened around me. I buried my face into his shoulder, letting the tears fall. Since when did the man who completely destroyed my life become the one that also gave me happiness that I had never felt?

Scar moved back, intently checking me for bruises. He winced at the blood running down my temple. Judging from his mortified expression, it was more than bad. I looked around, my heart sinking. The highway stretched long and grey, everything a mess. Car crashes and accidents littered the road as far as the eye could see. The garbage truck had collided into a lamp post, trash spewed all over. Guilt ate my conscience as I noticed a silver car that had flipped over and was laying on the middle of the road. In less than five minutes, we had just destroyed lives and made a mess that would cost thousands to fix. Police cars and ambulances started in the distance.

I stared at the wreckage around us, all the emotions running through me. My heart dropped slowly when I noticed the driver's seat was empty. Bodgan was nowhere to be seen, which was bad. Very bad.

"He's gone." Scar whispered angrily. He had noticed it as well.

"Is it over?"


I looked expectantly at Scar. Waiting for an answer. Maybe he hadn't heard me. I was just about to repeat the question when he pressed one finger against my lips.

"I don't know, kitten. I really don't."

The End :)


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