Chapter Fourteen

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Embarrassing didn't even begin to describe it.

In my moment of uncontrollable sadness, I had thrown my arms around his neck. Scar stiffened. I was too scared to let go now that I had done it, but he seemed to be choking from my death grip. I felt him pat the top of my head slowly, like he didn't know what else to do.

I unlocked my arms and sat back, redder than a tomato. Scar smiled half-heartily. I cleared my throat. The onesie felt suffocating now. I pushed the hat back, looking anywhere but him.

"Remind me to never tell you my life story again."

I patted his nose in agreement. He swatted it away angrily and sat back.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked, moving back to rest against the footbridge. It only seemed natural to ask him that. I didn't dare ask any questions about what he had said before. Scar had a horrible past, and I knew if I opened my mouth then I would just make things worse. Or I might just start telling him facts about wolves.

Scar shrugged. "I don't know. Do what I planned, I guess. Get the money, go to Chicago, and pay them back. If I'm lucky, then I might leave alive. If not...well, it's not like I have something to live for. My parents are dead, my sister was never found, and I'm guessing she's dead too. And you...." he trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

I hugged my knees, content with the silence. Scar didn't seem to have anything more to say, although he was probably regretting telling me all that. He probably thought I was judging him, but to be honest I really wasn't. Scar wasn't a bad person. He just had a horrible past that made him this way. Anyone would be cold and so shut off from caring if they had been through the same thing.

He took the hot chocolate off the bedside table and handed it to me. I said a quiet thanks and took a sip of the cold liquid. For some strange reason, it tasted slightly bitter. I took another sip. It was even worse. Feeling a hint of apprehension rolling down my spine, I put it down. I looked up at Scar, who was watching me closely.

"W-What did you do?" I whispered, feeling a little bit dizzy. I put my hands over my eyes, trying to rid myself of the shaking feeling. My stomach was in twists, and I felt nauseous. Should I start panicking now?

"Scar?" My voice sounded faint even to me, like I was hearing someone else talk from a distance. There was a soft pinch in my thigh. I brushed it away with a yelp, feeling something warm slide down.

Did he just inject me with something?

Oh yeah. Definitely time to flip out.

"Scar, what did you do?" I shrieked, barely able to stay upright. I forced myself to open my sleepy eyes to look at him. My heart leaped up to my throat. His dark eyes were emotionless, his lips in a thin white line. I felt my flailing arms knock something over. A sound like water was rushing through my ears, flowering a headache in the back of my brain.

I tried to stumble up, but my balance was lost. Whatever Scar had drugged me with was slowly starting to make its full effect. I tried again, managing to get off the bed. Scar didn't move from his spot, watching me silently as I struggled to clear my mind.

The carpeted ground was tilting, and my vision was swirling. I held onto the whatever I could grab at. It was like my body was shutting down, which I guessed it was. Why else would Scar hand me the drink so nicely? I should've known he would do something like this.

Seconds felt like hours. I could see the door, but in 3 places at once. My vision was rocky, making my balance even worse now that I was drugged. I couldn't feel anything. My legs felt like cement blocks. The ground whirled up at me. Before I could crash down, a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I heard someone whisper.

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