More Than Friendship

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Ruby opened her eyes to Weiss, who was watching her with a loving gaze. The scythe wielder smiled.
"You sleep ok? You seem a little tired." She said, referring to Weiss' zoned out eyes.

Weiss nodded. "Mhmm..."

"I think you need more rest. You should stay here and snuggle until you're awake." Ruby said.

Weiss giggled a little bit. "You know I can't do that. I've got to get your homework, and I have classes still."

"Worth a shot." Ruby chimed.

Weiss leaned over to her and touched foreheads with the girl in red. "Well know that I'll be coming right back here after my classes."

"You know, I'm expecting that kiss you promised last night." Ruby mentioned. "And I think it would really help me through the day."

Weiss' face turned red. "Umm... Right.... K-kiss... That..."

Ruby giggled and pecked the heiress' lips before she could protest.
"Now I think I'll be ok."

Weiss quickly got up and hurried away, feeling her cheeks heat up like Yang when she was angry. Coincidentally, the ivory headed girl walked right into Yang at the entrance of the infirmary.

"Hey Weiss." Yang greeted happily. "How'd you and Ruby sleep?"

Weiss watched her suspiciously. "You seem happier than you were yesterday. By quite a lot in fact. What happened? What are you planning...?"

"Nothing, Weiss, I'm just feeling better. I had a chance to blow off some steam and Blake helped me use up my energy." Yang said, winking at the faunus.

Weiss looked at the two. What is Yang talking about now? She thought to herself.
"Well, I should get to class, so I'll just be~"

"You didn't answer me before." Yang interrupted, still smiling, but with something more underneath. "How'd you sleep last night. With my sister. In her bed. Alone." Bloodlust, Weiss decided, was that something more that she felt.

"Nothing happened." Weiss said sternly. "Nothing at all."

Yang nodded. "Good! I might have been accused of homischneede if something did."

Weiss sighed. "Yang, please... Puns aren't funny..."

Dr.Oobleks Class

Weiss looked around to see that everyone was taking their seats for class. She watched as Dr.Ooblek walked into the classroom quite slowly, yawning as he made it to his desk.

"Quiet everyone!" He called out. "I seem to have ran out of coffee, so anyone that thinks today will be calm and peaceful because of that," He said, hesitating before continuing. "They are dead wrong."

By the end of class, Weiss had learned more about the similarities between The Great War and chess than she even thought possible.

"It's as if all the generals had been using chess boards instead of battle maps!!" Ooblek cried as the bell rang.
He looked around to see his students struggling to stand and attempting to drag themselves out of the class.
"Don't forget to finish your papers on strategic uses of Grimm in the war."

"My brain hurts... So much..." Jaune sighed.

Weiss nodded. "I've never had that much information forced down my throat before..."

Ren calmly walked by, seeming as if he was a little dizzy after class. "Well... We should be ok, right?" He asked, sounding very unsure about it.

Pyrrha laughed. "It wasn't that bad, guys. I found it quite interesting."

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