A/N: The end of Fragile Rose

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Killian Joyus here, benevolent overlord of the Whiterose shippers on my page. I just wanted to say thank you all for this amazing journey and for all of your support.

This was one of my first stories and to this day is my most popular. For some time I wasn't updating at all, but you stuck with me and pushed me to keep going. You made this story the quest for love that it turned into and I thank you for every bit of it that you put in.

The book is over, but I am thinking of doing a couple of one shots that take place when Ruby is an adult.

The story is done, but I do have plans for what remains without Ruby in the years to come.

The journey is complete, but never forgotten by myself and hopefully all of you that guided me along the way.

This has been yours truly and forever, writing and procrastinating, panicking and partying, living and breathing, the man in the magenta bow tie himself,
Killian Joyus
A.K.A. Blew Neko

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