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Ruby got up early in the morning to take her test, walking out of the bathroom to see Weiss sitting in her bed, two cups of coffee in her hands.

"You should probably take this." She said quietly, hanging over one of the mugs. "Cream and five sugars, just how you like it."

Ruby slowly crept forwards and took the mug. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." The heiress replied, sipping from her own coffee.

They sat in silence as the others slept soundly, the sun not quite reaching the horizon as the leader of Team RWBY took in a deep breath.

"Do you want me to go?" She asked cautiously, nervously, terrified of the answer to come. "Will this make you happy?"

"That's not up to me, Ruby." Weiss stated in a cold, matter of fact tone. "If you want to go, then leave already."

"I don't~!" She cut herself off to control her voice, remembering Yang and Blake cuddled together in the bed across the room. "I don't want to do something that I'll regret..."

"Do whatever you want." The ivory girl muttered, brushing her hair behind her ears.

Ruby couldn't help but watch her, wanting her more than ever. The way her nightgown hung over her body and her hair framed her perfect face in the morning.

"Why is it that every time I try to get close, we just tear it all to the ground..?"

Weiss didn't say anything, just looking across the room at the other half of their team.

"I just... I want to give you the world, I just~"

"You have a funny way of showing love." The fencer interrupted.

Ruby whipped her head around, eyes showing a deep hurt. "You think I haven't tried..? Weiss, I love you more than anything! I want you so badly, but you... I don't know if we can make it..."

"We can't. You have issues with attachment and this just won't work out if you can't get over them." She snapped back, a slight edge in her voice.

"What are you talking about?! I've been fighting so hard to keep you! You push me away, you find ANY reason to attack me and make me feel like I'm not good enough! Like I'll never be good enough!!"

"And you won't be."

The temperature of the room dropped with Ruby's gut, everything in her screaming to stop Weiss from saying anything more. She knew where these words were going.

"Maybe you really can't be good enough like this. You refuse to change even though I've done so much for you."

Done so much? What do you mean?! I-I'm really not enough for you..?

"If people were to realize I was with you, I'd have a lot of things to deal with. A Schnee in a relationship like this?"

"So you're... Ashamed of me..?" She asked carefully, her voice cracking.

Weiss shook her head slowly, as if disappointed. "Well, you're you. That's not so bad, but I'm me. And those don't fit."

What is she talking about?! Weiss, I love you, isn't that enough..?

"I don't know what you want..?" Ruby murmured, weak like a child with pain in her eyes. "Just... Why all of this..?"

"You started this, didn't you?" Weiss asked finally looking at the girl with red tips. "You're the one that faded away from me and then turned around and decided that you were going to leave, didn't you?"


"If you're going to leave, then get out."

The birds were just waking up as the youngest in the room left to cry alone. The sun was finally in view as Weiss made her way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

Her reflection seemed off. Paler than usually, her eyes dull and empty. Her hair too perfect for just waking up and her body feeling numb to everything around her.


Her fist smashed against the glass, sending shards all over the room, reflections of Weiss watching her every move from every angle.

"Are you ok?" Blake asked as she came in, concern and fear crossing sleep from her features. "What's happening?"

Weiss stood, breath heavy as her fist bled into the mirror, tears streaming down from her eyes. "I'm so fucked up, Blake... Why do I hurt myself like this..?"

The raven haired girl ran over and pulled a pale hand from the glass, checking it over quickly and pulling the first aid kit out to clean it up.

"What happened, Weiss? You need to talk to me." Blake begged, picking glass from the ripped skin. "Please, you're scaring me..."

The Schnee didn't reply, watching her reflection, shattered to a thousand pieces as blood dropped through the cracks.

"I ruined my last chance at happiness..."

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