The Company Woman - 3

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After lunch was over, Yang and Blake had to leave to make their flight back to Vale. It was a somber departure, but one that Weiss could take all the same, knowing that she'd see them again.

"Ma'am, I know you asked not to be interrupted today." The secretary at the door began, slightly nervous and panicked. "He just came in, wouldn't listen to anyone."

The leader of the Schnee Dust Company knee exactly who she was talking about. He kept the date on his calendar ever since he realized that she took the day to herself in the office every year.

Weiss stepped to her office, swinging open the doors and calmly making her way to the center of the room, crossing her arms and watching the man at her desk.

His white baby blue suit was pressed and clean, his shoes were shined and set on her desk as his hand were relaxed and set together as he watched his daughter with a smirk on his lips.

"Are you going to tell me what you do every year, Miss Schnee?" He mocked, leaning back further in the chair. Weiss had to note that it wasn't her chair.

"What did you do with my things?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes and keeping her arms locked close as to not use them in killing this man.

Jacques smirked before closing his eyes and making himself as comfortable as possible.

"Your things are so stiff and boring." He pointed out, rubbing the red leather arms of his chair. "I thought I'd get you something special, more cozy."

"I liked my own seat. It was comfortable while working and didn't remind me of how soft some people in the business are." She replied, stepping up to the desk and slamming her hands down. "What exactly do you want, father? You own the company, you make as much money as you want. So what now?"

"Do I need a reason to see my daughter?" He asked feigning innocence.

Weiss narrowed her eyes in a death glare. "Yes."

The man huffed, his mask falling to a cross expression of disapproval. "You take the fun out of everything, don't you?"

"What do you want?"

"I want to know what you do every year when you're not working!" He snapped. "It drives me crazy that I can't figure it out!! I've hired so many different people to try and nobody can find out why you're like this!!"

"That's because it's nobodies business but my own." The woman in white replied.

"Your business IS my business!!" Jacques growled pounding a fist into the desk. "I have the right to know what you're thinking!!"

Weiss didn't even flinch as she looked down at the man in front of her. "You own this company, but you have no power here. You don't decide who works here, you don't get to chose what you know. I do."

Jacques narrowed his glare towards his daughter, hatred filling every pour of his being.

"I could call security to remove you." She continued. "And they'd do just that. Or I could remove you myself. That'd be much more entertaining, I'd love to see you try and fight me off."

A moment of silence took the office, neither of the white haired Schnees moving an inch before the other backs down. Her father was the first to break.

The man stood up and stormed off out of the room, slamming both doors behind him and making his way down the hall. He stopped near the secretary, hearing the intercom on her desk start to speak up.

"Jessica, could you do something for me?" He heard Weiss ask on the other end of the line.

The woman quickly pressed the small button on the desk phone. "Yes, Miss Schnee?"

"Have someone throw out this chair and get me something more practical."

"With pleasure, ma'am." The girl replied, locking eyes Jacques for less than a second. "I'll get someone on that immediately."

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