Ayumu Aikawa x Reader ( Zombies Can Love )

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(Y/n)= Your Name
(E/c)= eye color
(F/c)= Favorite color
(S)= Symbol
(H/l)= Hair length
(H/c)= Hair color


Knock knock!

"(Y/n)!" Ayumu called out, holding a small box in his hand. After a moment of silence, he let himself into your home. "(Y/n)? Are you here?" He looked around the living room.

"A-Ayumu!" You said as you scrambled down the stairs. Somehow you tripped on the last step, falling forward. "Whoa!"

The zombie teen caught you with ease in his free arm. He grinned. "(Y/n), be more careful going down the stairs. It seems you always fall down them."

A bright blush rose to your cheeks, and you straightened yourself up. "Haha... Yeah." You stared at him, taking him in. Ayumu had worked his way into your heart soon after you two met, but thanks to your shyness you couldn't ever tell him.

"Hey (Y/n)." You blinked your (e/c) eyes, coming out of your thoughts.


"Like the outfit." He said while checking you out. You looked away from him, feeling a bit embarrassed. It was a movie night for you, Ayumu, and Eu, so you decided to just throw on some casual clothing. A (f/c) tee-shirt with a (s) on it and black (jeans/sweatpants/skirt). You couldn't tell if Ayumu was just joking or if he was being serious, since he basically always acts like that.

Then you remembered something. Eu wasn't with him. "Ayumu, where's Eu?"

He sighed. "Eu got sick. I offered to stay and take care of her, but Haruna and Seraphim forced me to go. I'm kinda glad I did come." Which was a lie. His cheeks dusted a light pink. Admittedly, he liked you. He has for a while. Being alone with you for a few hours made him nervous. Eu knew Ayumu's feelings for you, and helped him plan his confession tonight. That was why she didn't come.

"Oh, poor Eu. When you get home, tell her I said get well soon, please?" You then gave a small smile and held up a DVD case. "We're watching Warm Bodies~!"

Ayumu blinked. "Isn't that the movie with that zombie that loves the human girl?" You nodded, making him blush a bit more. How much more fitting for me can that movie get...? He thought. Then he grinned at you and took your hand. "Let's go watch it, then. Afterwards, I could take you to a café or something, alright?"

You nodded, happy to have him holding your hand. He quickly led you into your living room and sat on the couch, watching you put the movie in the DVD player. You then plopped down next to him as the movie started.

~ Time skip ~

You giggled at Ayumu's ranting on how inaccurate the movie is about zombies. That's why you chose it, to listen to him complain. In your eyes, it was cute when he complained about things.

"I mean really! You know a zombie! Obviously they don't look like that!" He ranted.

You giggled. "It's a movie."

"An inaccurate movie."

You shook your head with an amused grin as you put your (h/l) (h/c) into a side pony tail. Then you remembered, Ayumu came to your house with a little box, which he still had in his hand. You asked about it during the movie, but he wouldn't open it. "Hey Ayumu, what's up with the box?"

He looked away with a blush. "Oh, uh..." He held out the little box to you. "Something I got for you."

"For... For me?" You asked as you opened the box slowly. Inside was a gold necklace with a heart locket on it. You opened the locket, revealing a slip of paper that said, "I love you (Y/n)" in Ayumu's handwriting. You stared at it in disbelief. "Wh... What...?"

He quickly tipped up your chin and pressed his lips to yours, making your cheeks turn a very dark pink. When he pulled away, you saw that he was blushing deeply as well. "I love you, just like the locket says."

"A-Ayumu..." You said, "I love you too." Then it occurred to you that Eu might really not have been sick at all.

Ayumu took the locket and put it around your neck. "You can put some pictures in it after you come back, alright?" You nodded, and he smiled a bit. "And also, since I've been holding this in all night, your body is looking so damn fine."

You smiled and gave him a nudge. Back to his peverted self.

As the two of you walked out, the zombie teen put his arm around your shoulder, making you grin.


Okay, this one is a bit more suckish then the others since honestly I'm not that far in Is This a Zombie? yet, so sorry!

Also he's a little OCC in this... Lsjdjd sorry. I might do it again later when my brain is in my head XD

As always, thanks for reading! <3

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