Black*Star x Reader ( More than a Fan )

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『Requested by Scythia_Maria 』

(M/n) = Meister name
(Y/n) = Your name
(E/c) = Eye color
(F/c) = Favorite color
(C) = Color
(H/l) = Hair length

Credit to Animegirl53 for coming up with the plot!



You grinned a bit. Black*Star had just shown up for class, and was making a huge bit about it. "The great Black*Star has finally arrived!"

Professor Stein looked at the blue haired boy. "Another fight?" Black*Star nodded with a large grin. "Did you get someone to monitor, at least?"

"Yup! Sid! And I totally pummeled that kid!" Black*Star gave a thumbs up.

"... Since I'm in a good mood today, just go have a seat." Stein looked back at the papers on his desk.

Black*Star practically flew into his seat beside Tsubaki. You giggled and turned around to face him. "I wish I could've seen that fight!"

He nodded. "I probably would've done ten times better than what I did originally with you cheering me on!"

You blushed a bit at that. For the longest time, you've liked Black*Star, but you couldn't really find a way to tell him that. Although you hung out with him just about whenever you could, you couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy seeing how close he was to Tsubaki. You had decided at one point to just be a huge fan of his, but you always wished to be more than that to him.

As you opened your mouth to say something, you were quickly cut off by Stein's voice. "Since the lesson has already been taught, Black*Star, have someone teach you the lesson after school. It will save me some breath. As of now, you all can talk for the last... Two minutes."

Your meister, (m/n), poked your shoulder with a grin. "Hey (y/n), you should offer to teach Black*Star."

You stared at him for a moment, then shrugged. "Maybe."

Then someone else tapped your shoulder. You turned around to see Black*Star grinning, holding a piece of paper with his signature on it. "It occurred to me that my biggest fan never got my signature! So here ya go!"

Your (e/c) eyes lit up. When you got it in your hands, you restrained to hug the piece of paper. "I'll hang it on my wall after school. Thanks!"

Then the blue haired boy did something you haven't seen him do. Blush. "Oh, it was nuthin. Everyone needs a bit of my greatness."

You nodded, being careful to not crumple up the paper. "Right! Oh, Black*Star? Do you uhhh... Want me to teach you the lesson...?"

Before Black*Star could answer, Tsubaki nodded. "You should teach him, (y/n)! I'm going to hang out with Maka after school anyways." She gave a wink. You knew immediately Tsubaki wasn't going over Maka's, so you nodded in thanks.

"Alright, I'll show up at 5, on the dot!" Black*Star basically yelled. "Make sure your apartment is fit for the biggest star around!"

You nodded, blushing a bit more brightly. "Yeah!"

~ time skip ~

"Yo, (y/n)!" Black*Star called out as he knocked on your door for the second time.

You quickly opened the door, panting a bit. "S-Sorry! I got bored, so I started to wrestle a bit with (m/n)! He had me in a head lock!" You fixed your (f/c) tee-shirt and dusted off your (c) sweatpants. You noticed just a hint of a different emotion radiating off of Black*Star. Was it... Jealousy? You shrugged it off, and stood to the side. "Anyways, c'mon in! We're going to my room."

With that, Black*Star almost ran at warp speed to your room, making you giggle a bit. You pushed aside the obvious awkward feeling of being in a bedroom with your crush and followed him in.

When you entered your room, you seen him staring at your wall. You blinked and closed the door behind you. "Black*Star? What's wrong?"

He looked at you, his cheeks tinted in a pink blush. "You actually hung it up?"

You nodded a bit as you took a seat next to Black*Star. "Of course I did. It's your signature, after all. It means a lot to me..." You quietly said that last part. But not quiet enough.

Before you could say anything more, he gently brushed a little lock of your (h/l) hair back behind your ear, then cupped your cheek and gently pressed his lips to yours. You immediately melted info the kiss, but as quickly as it started, it was over. When Black*Star pulled away, he looked away from you while his cheeks tinted with a deeper blush. "(Y-Y/n), I've loved you for a while. I didn't really know how to tell you coz I'm not all that good with bein' romantic and stuff. To me, you're more than a fan."

You hugged him, relieved. "Black*Star, I love you too."

He hugged you back. "How's about you become my star?"

You nodded, pulling away with a smile. "As long as you get to stay the bigger star."

Black*Star nodded with a large grin. "Of course I'll still be the biggest star! No one can surpass me!" You giggled at his sudden outburst, one if the many things you loved about him. "So, about that lesson."

You nodded and grabbed your notes from today's lesson, then began to teach your star the lesson.


Okay! I did it! Sorry it took so long to update this!

I just dipped out of a writers block(I found out all I had to do was try and write a few crappy but sad and short fanfics), so now expect this to be updated more!

I know I already did a Black*Star, shhhhhh

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