Sasuke Uchida x Reader

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『 Requested by MrsAmeliaMegUchiha 』

Credit to Animegirl53 for coming up with the plot!

(Y/n)= Your name

(E/c)= Eye color


You flipped backwards off of the tree, landing on your feet slightly shakily. You looked at Kakashi with a questioning look. He nodded, closing his visible eye. "Well done, (Y/n). We're done for today."

You bowed slightly. "Thank you!" When you looked back up, he was gone. Fast, isn't he? You looked around, not knowing what to do. Then you remembered, your crush Sasuke was training not too far away from you. You decided to go and watch him train, but he couldn't know you were watching him.

As you neared his training area, you could just barely see him, but you decided that it was best to jump and hide out in a tree and watch him from afar. As you took your place on one of the branches, you couldn't help but gawk at Sasuke's training. You hugged your knees and continued to stare at him, a small smile on your face. You hardly noticed the person sitting next to you until he spoke. "Stalking Sasuke again, (Y/n)?"

You slightly jumped at the voice of Naruto, your friend, not expecting him to be there. Your cheeks flushed a light pink. "N-Not so much stalking as spying." You quietly stuttered.

The blond let out a sigh and leaned back against the tree. "Honestly, how do you even like that guy? He's so rude."

You flinched a bit, making the branch slightly shake. "Why would you say that? I mean, I know he's your rival and all, but don't you two sometimes get along?"

He shrugged a bit. "Why do you like him, though?"

You looked up at the sky, moving back into the shade to shield your (e/c) eyes from the sun that broke through the leaves. "Well... I guess I'm just fascinated by his act he has going on. Plus he's strong..." A small smile forms on your face, making Naruto quietly laugh.

"And you're just going to hang around and stalk him from the trees for the rest of your life?" He asked, making you blushed brightly and looked away. Just as you opened you mouth to say something, however, the branch you were sitting on suddenly fell, why you don't know. You let out a shriek as you fell, then closed your eyes tightly, bracing for the impact of the ground. It never came. You slowly opened up your eyes to see none other than Sasuke himself holding you bridal style. Heat quickly rose to your cheeks as you stared into his eyes. "A-Ah... Hey, Sasuke...~" You stuttered.

He narrowed his eyes, staring deeply into your own (e/c) pools. "So you've been the one spying on me all the time."

You gulped and took a glance up. The blond boy in the trees had practically vanished from thin air, you cursed mentally at him. You looked back at Sasuke, who still stared at you the same way as before. "Um, yeah. I'm really sorry." Your voice grew quieter with each word. "C-Could you put me down?"

"No." He said almost immediately, making you slightly jump. "I don't want to."

You gave him a curious look. "What do you mean?" He let out a slightly annoyed sigh, but leaned his head down to yours. After a second of hesitation, he gently pressed his lips to yours, making your cheeks turn a bright pink, almost red. When he pulled away from the kiss, you could see a light pink dusting it's way across his features.

"I'm not putting you down. Not the girl I love." Sasuke said in that cold voice of his. "I heard you and Naruto talking in the tree about me. Finally mustered up the courage to tell you."

You could swear that Naruto could be heard from the distance yelling "Kiss!" to you two. "S-Sasuke..." Was all you could say.

He looked to the side, an angered look on his face. "I'll get Naruto back for that later. Right now I really have to ask you something." He looked back at you with a soft expression, something you've never seen before. "Will you be my girlfriend, (y/n)?"

You nodded, grinning like an idiot. "Yes! I would love to!" The corners of Sasuke's lips slightly twitched up, as if an attempt to smile, then he leaned back down and planted another kiss on your lips.

"Oh, and (y/n)?" He said after he broke the kiss again.


"You don't have to spy on me in the trees anymore. You can make it clear that you're there." He slightly chuckled. You blushed brightly and looked away.

"W-Well can you put me down now? I'm actually kinda hungry..." You muttered. Sasuke did the lip quiver/smile thing again and put you down. "Thanks, Sasuke. I'll see you later!" You said as you turned and ran to the nearest food shop.

"I love you, (y/n)."

You stopped dead in your tracks at what he had just said. Then you quickly turned back and ran into him, tightly enveloping your arms around him and burying your face in his shoulder. He returned the hug, not as tight as you did. "I love you too, Sasuke." You said happily. Then as you pulled away from the hug and ran, you waved to him, happiness overwhelming your entire body.


Done! Sorry if it's kinda off about characters and such, it's been a while since I've read/watched Naruto!

But the x Reader was almost done, so I had to finish it. Oh well, thanks for reading! :3

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