Death the Kid x Reader ( Paper Moon )

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【Requested by Starry_Soul_8 】

(E/c)= Eye color
(Y/n)= Your name
(H/l)= Hair Length
(H/c)= Hair color


"Where is she, Professor?"

"Right in this room."

Professor Stein opened the door for Kid, the sound of a crazed giggle for getting louder. The giggles echoed in the cell, and chains rattled as you moved around a bit. Kid frowned a bit hearing the state you were in. He took a deep breath in and slowly walked into the cell, taking the lantern that Stein handed to him.

"Good luck trying to reach her, Kid." Stein said before closing the door behind him.

Kid stared at you. A few weeks ago, you feel victim to Madness. It was too much to think about for the reaper. He liked you, and it hurt to see you suffering like this.

As he took a step closer to you, your (e/c) orbs went wide and you lurched back. "S... Stay away!"

"(Y/n), calm down." He quietly reassured you as he got on his knees in front of you. Your eyes widened and you scooted back. Kid took in one last glance of your sickened state before he closed his eyes and started to sense your soul. It was dominated by the Madness. He was here to fix that.
Suddenly, everything went bright.

I'm falling, down into my shadow.

Kid groaned, his entire body aching. He was laying on his back, in the middle of a very dark forest. The trees were black and lifeless, the grass was a very dark grey, even the flowers were colorless.

He sat up, looking around. "Where... Am I?" He thought out loud. While he started to stand up, his hand splashed in a small stream. A stream of black water. Kid gritted his teeth, but stood up and followed the way the stream was flowing.

I'm holding my breath and waiting Deadly Night.

After a few long moments of following the stream, Kid came to a pause at a pond of the same black water, where more tiny streams emptied into. In the middle sat a donut shaped island with black water in the middle. Kid looked around. "(Y/n)...?" Suddenly rocks started to surface. I guess I have to walk across those... he thought, taking a step on the first stone. Strangely, the stones were dry. Stone by stone, he made his way to the island. The water in the middle emitted an ominous glow, but the reaper shrugged off his unease and looked inside. He gasped.

You were there, under the water, looking so calm and peaceful. "The water must be the Madness..." Kid muttered.

Don't Scary.

If you want it you can see it for yourself, any world at all.

Without thinking, Kid reached into the water, but stopped when his shoulder was just about to be underwater. He grabbed your arm and started to pull you out, but the Madness wouldn't let you go easily. It was like pulling you out of rubber cement, but Kid wouldn't stop pulling until you were out. He had to see your beautiful and sane face again. Thinking about you before the incident made him try and pull harder.

He could feel your soul. Your soul before the incident.

See you in your dreams, yeah baby.

In addition to feeling your soul, the reaper could feel your emotions. You were terrified. It pierced him like a sword. The resistance from the Madness strengthened, forcing Kid to slip in his other arm. As soon as both of his hands gripped you, he pulled harder, watching your (h/l)(h/c) hair flutter gently in the water. In fact that was all he could see. The water was too dark to see past your collarbone and the tops of your shoulders. Kid had started to sweat from how much he was pulling. A little bit more of your body began to come into view. Before he could even feel happy about getting somewhere with it, a scene flashed in his mind.

Even if they're bad dreams.

You screamed loudly, running away from a horrific monster chasing you. Kid watched as you ran, very confused at what to do. Then, you tripped and fell face first to the ground. "(Y/N)!" He yelled as he ran to you, the monster with the same goal. It was just a matter of who got to you first, Kid, the light of your life or the monster, the remover of your life.

Before either could get to you, the entire area went black.


Fairy Blue for you.

Kid opened his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Wh-When did I start crying...?"

Then he noticed you. Your head was now out of the water, and you could see as far down as your stomach in the water. But the environment changed.

The grass was starting to turn green, and the trees seemed to be returning to life. The water was now turning a bluish color, but the resistance got greater to keep you in.

He gasped as you started to open up your eyes a little. "(Y/n)?"

"Kid..." You weakly said as he started to pull harder.

I destroyed the stars and hung up a black paper moon.
If you believe in me!

"Kid..." You said again as your chest began to come out of the water.

"(Y/n), hang on, I'll get you out!" Kid said, his voice strained. He grabbed you under your shoulders and continued pulling, desperate to pull you out of the Madness.

You looked up at the grey sky. It was turning blue in some places, but above you and the reaper was a large patch of grey. In the middle of the grey sky was an artificial paper moon, a black one. The paper moon was the only thing giving off light. You blinked, realizing what was now happening to you. Your strength was returning, and you looked at your body. Kid didn't seem to care that you were naked, since he just kept pulling you out. But you were almost out now, only your knees down were in, but they were slowly coming out. The resistance was fading away as Kid pulled harder and harder.

Then the water seemed to let go of you, and you and Kid flew back. The surroundings changed to a normal scene in nature. You huddled up to Kid, who was panting as hard as you were. "(Y/n)... You're saved..."

You sighed, happy to be in Kid's arms.

Then everything went black.

When you're lost "Here" I am, "Forever" with your soul.

Kid opened his eyes, both of you now back in the cell. He quickly unchained you, then threw his arms around you.

You hugged him back, feeling tears in your eyes. "Kid... How did you..."

"I had to feel your soul." He said, smiling. "You have a beautiful soul, (Y/n)."

You blushed at that, then hugged him tighter. "Kid... I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)." Kid said before he picked you up bridal style and walked you out of the cell. You looked up at him, taking in his rare but beautiful smile.

If you look up I'll be there shining
Like the moon


This was a tad bit hard for me to do since You were basically in madness a majority of the story. Buuuuut I guess I'm good at writing in Kid's point of view mainly, seeing as this entire xReader is basically in his eyes.

Oh, I did already write this before, but since Starry_Soul_8 requested it, why not file it under as a request? Heehee... God am I lazy. XD

Ignore these little notes most of the time I guess.

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