Chapter Five

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Nova's POV

I felt myself staring at the boy. New...? Is that what the others said? But... he didn't look like a newborn, in fact, he looked 16... couldn't have been born yesterday, right? I sat there confused, staring in his direction. He was drawing, a notebook placed in his lap as his pencil gently scratched against the paper. It was then, a certain smell hit my nose.

I sniffed the air softly, trying not to pull too much attention towards myself. My eyes flickering around as I tried to determine where they were. One of my kind is nearby... a demon...? An Astra in this school? But... why? I closed my eyes tightly, rubbing my temples gently as I tried to think over the entire class talking and making noise.

I have to find the other one of my kind... I want to know why they're here... What would they be doing here...? Astra's don't come up to the surface at all, at least not for long periods of time, it's quite rare actually...

I groaned and sat back, finally feeling the little lasting bit of my anger disappear. Right then, the boy stood up, making his way towards me silently. My eyes flickered to look at him when he came to a stop beside the table, his lips stretched into a polite yet shy soft smile. Even his eyes looked soft, innocent really. The scent was stronger now and the only thing I could imagine, was that he got attacked or encountered one of my kind without knowing it.

"Hello... I'm Ara. I'm... the new kid here..." he said gently, smile widening slightly when he noticed I was paying attention. I only nodded gently, waiting for him to finish what he was saying so I could continue talking with Emilee. "Um... I... have to find my way to the library, can one of you help me–"

"I can show you–" Emilee tried to say.

"I'LL. Do it, Em." I quickly said, jumping up out of my seat. Ara seemed a little taken aback, in fact, his eyes had widened slightly from the sudden movement and I could see the slightest flicker of insecurity in his eyes. "Well, Ara, lets GO then." I grumbled and dragged him out of the room, the door practically slamming behind us.

The only reason I was doing this, was to try and figure out what the scent was. WAS Ara a demon? He couldn't be, no, I was brave enough to come out of that stupid hell hole. They have everything down there, why would they want to come up here? I HAD to ask him! No matter what costs! W-What if Hell made a new law that demons couldn't come to the surface?? I'm already here, what it they come looking for me?! That's a risk too–

"Um... Er... What's.. your name?" Ara asked softly, a gentle yet awkward smile plastering itself on his lips. I glanced back at him, eyes narrowed as I tried to remember from the back of my brain where the fucking library was.

"Nothing." I replied quickly, continuously dragging him in different directions. He only stared at me with a raised eyebrow, eyes flickering all over the place with awkwardness and slight discomfort, at least, that's what I saw.

"Nothing?" He asked. I felt blush spread across my cheeks when he repeated my words. Fucking- Why would I answer with THAT out of everything...

"No I-ugh! Fuck! I meant Nova! My name is Nova!" I shouted unexpectedly, causing Ara to flinch back slightly. I didn't really feel bad, I just wanted to hurry up and find this fucking librar-

"Nova watch out!" I heard his voice a split second before smashing my face into the glass window of the large library doors. I hissed and covered my nose, feeling embarrassed in front of Ara- the NEW kid. He was covering his mouth with both hands, eyes wide and glowing with concern as he stepped forward. I felt his fingers gently press against my hand that was covering my mouth as I clenched my eyes shut tight.

Fuck, I think I chipped a tooth! Fucking hell this hurts like a bitch! I held back the urge to act like a crybaby and scream, as I forced my eyes to open, glancing at Ara's concerned expression. "What..." I asked, muffled by my hands that were tight against my mouth.

"L-Let me see..." he whispered shyly, his purply-green eyes locked stubbornly on my hands. I rolled my eyes and silently shook my head, my eyes narrowing at him. Back off, asshole. I don't want your fucking help. I've had worse before, so leave me ALONE...


"P-Please...I don't like seeing my friends hurt..." he begged. I stared at him for a moment, my eyes slightly wider than before. Friend...? Is this how I'm supposed to make friends? I never agreed to this... But... I like it. I like Ara, he actually... seems to care...

I slowly moved my hands away from my mouth, letting them fall to my sides as I watched him. His hands gently cupped my face, forcing me to open my mouth the slightest bit. I look like an idiot right now... having my mouth wide open while I stand in the hallway. I'm not at a fucking dentist!

"You chipped your tooth, left side, third away from the middle." I thought for a moment, what, did he obsess over teeth or something? Ugh... "Does it hurt? I can go get ice for you...!" He offered, but I raised a hand to him and shook my head gently.

"No, it's fine. It'll heal–" I froze. Fuck. He doesn't know I'm a demon! I hope he just blows it off, I don't want to caught and–

"Mhm... Okay. Though you may still want to go see a dentist about that. Get a crown for the tooth." He said laughing softly before opening the door to the library, turning to me with that same gentle smile.

"Thank you so much, Nova! See you at lunch...?" He asked, looking at his smile, it didn't look the same anymore. The longer I stared, the more it looked... dead. I smiled back though, very faintly.

"Uh, yeah, sure. See you then." And before I knew it, he was gone.

And what I did next, surprised myself.

I followed him.

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