Chapter Ten

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A/N: Okay, I know this is technically a fan made song for JSE, but I'm addicted to it currently. I'm sorry if any of you get addicted too. -Koma


Nova's POV

This was probably the worst idea I could ever have thought about. After we left the auditorium steps, we made plans to meet at my house after school the next day, so we could further discuss our teamwork and plans.

We were running out of time, we had to come up with a plan asap. If we got caught by the guards, who knows what they would do to us. They could torture us, break our minds, separate us, kill us... They could erase us... or lock us up for eternity...

Or even... Give our souls to another Astra, so that they could live, and we would forever float in the void...

"Nova?" A voice called from outside of the darkness, echoing all around me.

They don't care about us... we're just tools to them...

"Nova!" It called again.

They wouldn't care if we ever returned, alive... they would just want to punish us...

"NOVA!" I flinched, blinking a few times. The darkness that once surrounded me and my vision, slowly faded away and I soon found myself staring face-to-face with Emilee.

"W-What?? What do you want?? Why are you yelling??" I shouted, making her eyes harden and turn cold while they narrowed at me.

"Well sorry that I was concerned for you, when you suddenly started spacing out and staring creepily at the floor." Emilee explained, leaning back in her chair as she pulled out her small pocket mirror, reapplying her pink lipgloss.

I sighed and rested my head on my hand, waiting for class to be over. I thought it was going to be like always- sit there and listen to words. But what surprised me, is when Ara got up and snuck over to where Emilee and I were.

"Nova...? C-Can I sit with you...??" He whispered, cheeks a bit more pink today than any other day. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his shirt, slamming him down into a chair next to me.

"Wh- Nova!! What's wrong with you today?? Are you alright??" Emilee whisper shouted at me before turning to pink little Astra demon, Ara. Her expression turned concerned as she reached over and gently grasped his hand.

He trembled in surprise for a moment as he stared at me, eyes wide before he glanced at Emilee. I couldn't help but notice his cheeks redden more as he pulled his hand away and hugged it to his chest as he replied. "H-Ha...! Yeah, it just kinda woke me up a bit! Its alright, E-Emilee...!"

My eyes narrowed a bit. Ara, you're crossing dangerous waters at this point, fuck off and I'll spare you and that stupid purple haired FREAK!

"Nova...?" Ara asked.

"Nova? Are you alright?" Emilee followed shortly after, everything slowly starting to sound as if it were all drifting underwater.

"Nova, you don't look so well, is something wrong?"

The heat and fiery rage that slowly built up inside of my body, the aching feeling in my hands that painfully snapped through my veins in my boiling hot blood. The invisible steam that made my eyes become full of tears as my limbs twitched softly and trembled.

Hurt him.

It hurt, it hurt so badly that I closed my eyes tightly, clenching my teeth which had protruded out more and were now pointy triangular spikes. I heard a chair shift forward a little, the scraping sound on the hard, cold floor brought me slightly back to my senses.

You're in school, dammit! Control your fucking rage!

Hurt him...

He's going to take your only friend away from you!! DO SOMETHING!!

I stood up from my chair, opening my eyes. Ara and Emilee both stood in front of me, concerned expressions written all over both of their faces. Leaveleaveleave me alone!! I'll tear you both to bloody little pieces!!

I shoved both of them to the side, Emilee falling onto the table while Ara stumbled and fell onto the ground with a thud. I quickly ran out of the room, not caring about anything at the moment.

Everything can just go fuck off!! Leave me the hell alone!!

I found myself heading toward the doors that led to the outside. Who cares, who fucking cares! Being outside would be thousands of times better than blowing up in rage inside my own classroom.

I fell against the wall of the school, the breeze hitting my body, but not affecting me in the very least. I sank down to the ground, burying my face in my knees as I covered my ears. My breathing was rushed and uneven, sounding desperate to hold onto my sanity.

Why...? Why can't I ever control this...?? It always feels so hot, yet cold and dark... I was fine a second ago, what the fuck happened...??

You're afraid...


Afraid of him...

I didn't understand- I couldn't!

My hands trembled as I bit down hard on my tongue, feeling the slightest bit of the coppery taste flood my tastebuds. Oops... I refocused on things around me, in attempt to burn myself out of rage.

Hard, rocky and cracked cement ground... bricks behind my back... warm sunlight on my face, with a small breeze all around me... leaves falling from trees and landing on the ground delicately...

I slowly forced open my eyes, glancing up to see that one familiar face.

"Let's talk, alright...?" Ara asked, crouching down in front of me. I stared at him for a moment, feeling the very last spark of flame in my soul die out. Please, please don't hurt my partner...

I stared at his face for another moment, seeing that there was already a bruise forming on his right cheek, from me. The sight of it made me frown, which made Ara catch on quickly and cover it with his sleeved hand.

No doubt, if he took off his shirt there would be more injuries caused by me...



"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..."

"Nova, d-don't be... you-"

"Please continue being my partner! I can't forget our plans! Please don't hate me!!" I begged, leaning forward, closer to him and looking straight into his eyes.

"Of course, no matter what... I won't hate you, Nova... Don't blame yourself, alright?" Ara asked, reaching forward and wiping away water that was on my face.

Stupid feelings...

"O-Oh... okay..."

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