Chapter Sixteen

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Ara's POV

This was something to panic about!

Before, I figured out that holding Nova's hand, or just touching his flesh in general, could calm him down. It would bring him out of his anger and dangerous mood swings, which was good.

When I touched him, I didn't feel anything at all. I just felt normal, like I usually do! But now whenever I touch him, I feel different. I feel a strange heat that floods my veins, going straight to my chest and into my heart.

It felt weird. I felt a tingling feeling whenever we touched, it almost hurt.

So is this what having a crush is like? Wait– I don't have a crush!! I'm not made to have crushes!! Besides, Nova is too scary and strong for someone like me!! We're opposites. He's strong, scary, intimidating, dark...

And then there's me.

Cowardly, blushy, shy and a quiet idiot.

I glanced up, finally coming out of my thoughts. I was sitting on Nova's couch, looking over at the other couch on the other side of the room. Iris's back was turned to me on the other couch as he laid there, sleeping silently.

"Nova?" I called out, realizing he wasn't in the room with either of us. I glanced around the room, it was quiet. Oddly quiet.

I stood up, going over to the doorway that led into the kitchen. I found Nova, his back turned to me as he struggled with something quietly in front of him that I couldn't see. "Nova?" I asked, which made his entire body visibly stiffen.

What are you doing...

"Y-Yes...? What the fuck do you want NOW, Ara?!" He snapped angrily, which made me go still, inwardly, it made me want to flinch back and cry.

"Are... you okay??" I asked, stepping forwards by a few steps. I could hear him growl lowly in his throat, as he suddenly spun around in attempt to look at me. When he turned, he accidentally knocked what he was hiding, onto the floor, small pieces of it scattering everywhere.

I looked down, my eyes widening.

Why... is there a pill bottle there...? And why are there so many pills? I don't- Nova... Nova what were you doing...? Why were you doing this to yourself...?

"N-Nova...?" I stuttered out, fighting the urge to not stare at the pills. I glanced up into his eyes, they were scared, dull, almost blank. He was frozen, staring at me with a concerned, anxious expression. "What are these for...?" I slowly reached forwards, grabbing the pill bottle off the floor and looking at it. His eyes followed my movement, but other than that, the only other thing moving was his chest as he breathed in slow, heavy breaths.

I looked down at it.


A bipolar medication...?

I held it close to my chest, glancing up at Nova, he looked pale. He was leaning back on the counter a bit, biting his lip.

"Why were you taking these...?" He stayed quiet, not bothering to answer my words. Cmon Nova! I'm worried!! "Nova, please... Please tell me...!" I begged, frowning. He flinched, looking away.

"I don't want to get angry anymore... So I tried to fix myself–" I cut him off.

"Where did you even get these?! You shouldn't–" His hands had clenched to fists at his sides, his expression turning into a mix of angry and hurt.

"That's none of your fucking business!" He snapped angrily, hissing his words toward me, which felt like acid. "I had the before I even fucking met you! Leave it be!"

"But that's human medicine! Astra's shouldn't be ingesting human antibiotics!! We have our own medicine in-" I tried to explain, but he cut me off again with a low growl in his throat.

"I don't CARE, Ara!!" I could see his teeth baring in anger, sharp, pointy triangles. "I just don't want to hurt anyone, okay?! What do you want me to do!? Stop taking them?! Start becoming a monster again because I won't be able to control my own fucking emotions!? What. Tell me what!" He angrily yelled into my face, now closer to me than before. He must've moved closer.

"Nova... There's a better way around this, I can find a way! P-Please don't take the medicine anymore, you could get seriously hurt!" I begged, reaching forwards for his hand. My touch can calm him, I know it does... He seemed to understand what I was trying to do, and he shoved me back aggressively.

I slid back, almost falling onto the floor, but I managed to regain my balance. He glared at me darkly, eyes much more dark than before. They were aggressive, hostile, I could see it now. The Nova that scares me... The one who hurt me before, back in the classroom...

"Nova... Just calm down... We'll figure it out, okay...?" I said softly, my voice a gentle tone so that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable or cornered. His eyes only narrowed more at me, looking more angry. "You won't become a monster, I can promise you that–"

"You can't promise ANYTHING!" He screamed, moving quickly towards me, trying to punch me. I moved out of the way quickly, luckily. He spun around quickly, trying to throw another punch at me. But me being the lucky person who I am, managed to dodge that one too.

"Nova, please, I'm trying to help you..." I said again softly. He has to give in and listen to me eventually, he has to!

"Just leave me the fuck alone!! You can't do anything! I'll kill you, you worthless animal!" He snarled, attacking me again.


Don't listen to me then.

I jolted forward, just barely able to miss his swing. Something hard struck me in the chest, making the air get knocked out of me. I fell to my knees, gripping my hand against my chest as I breathed uneven, heavy pants. Get up... Get up... Get up...

I glanced up, seeing Nova standing there. He didn't seem bothered the least bit that he hurt me. I felt myself smile slightly, forcing myself to stand up on shaky legs, moving closer to him.

Nova... I know how to... fix you...

You'll be all better... That's something I can promise... I know it is...

And when I had the chance before he tried to swing again, I grabbed his face in my hands.

Pressing my lips against his.

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