Chapter 3: Round One

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Chapter 3

Round One

"Just breathe, Aayu. Breathe..." Sharad whispered. Aayush listened, and took in several long breaths, his shoulders sagging. "God, you look like you've seen a ghost." Sharad shook his head and rubbed his arm. "Come on, it's not a big deal. You just have to be yourself, man. You're so great when you relax and open up." He said softly.

"You have no idea how hard that is for me." Aayush croaked out but didn't resist when Sharad pulled him towards the group.

Ahilyaa suddenly appeared in front of them and started whispering something to Sharad. Aayush stopped breathing for a few moments. She stood so close that her hair brushed his cheeks when she flipped her head. She took one step back, and he could see his breath fanning the small hair on her back, creating goosebumps. Her perfume was sweet and soft, making his pulse quicken. He didn't hear a word she said, but he was fully aware of her, the slightest movements, the soft voice, even the way she breathed.

"Good luck, buddy." Sharad whispered, startling him. He was confused when he found himself standing in the middle of the line with the men and opposite him stood Sharad with a smug smile. The girls started giggling, eyeing their boss who stood tall and proud in the mid of the line.

"Stop acting like school kids, women. And to all the awkward men before me, yes I am gay but I won't kiss any of you unless you are coming out of the closet tonight." He winked, and gave Aayush a huge smile.

Everyone but Aayush laughed. "When will you stop lying?" he muttered.

Sharad punched his arm playfully, "What? I was young, and hormonal then. And look where we are now, best friend."

Aayush snorted, his face straight, "You're not my best friend, you child molester."

"Hey! You were almost twenty. And fine..... I'm not your best friend but your only friend." Sharad chuckled, making a heart shape with his fingers and Aayush's face darkened.

"Have we started already? That's not fair." both men turned to the fiery little woman who was tapping her foot irritably.

"What's not fair, sweetie?" Sharad asked with a shit-eating grin.

"You can't start your 'bromance' before the DJ changes his music. You just get four minutes with everyone and the song will change to indicate we change partners. I'll give the signal and we begin. Did everyone get it?"

She growled in irritation when everyone responded with mumbles and stomped away. Aayush found her irritation amusing. His eyes were set on her when she went back to her spot with an angry huff and swayed her scarf in the air. The music changed to a soft melody, and she smiled at her partner, and her lips started moving.

Aayush scoffed, amazed that someone could start a conversation without thinking for a moment. In a matter of seconds, her face started glowing, and turned bright pink. He was about to lean forward to see who was standing three places to his left when he felt a tap on his arm.

"Dude, you're supposed to talk to me." Sharad whispered, leaning a little closer.

Aayush straightened his shoulders, and faced his friend without a trace of emotion on his face. Sharad crossed his arms, eyes narrowed, "I like where your attentions are, but it's a little late to go there now." he said quietly.

He flinched, "What are you talking about?"

Sharad gave him a sad smile, "Like I said, you're fucked up."

"That's what you keep saying, but what are you not telling me?"

Sharad scowled, "You said it didn't matter."

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