Chapter 4: Reality Check

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Chapter 4

Reality Check

Aayush breathed a sigh of relief when the last four minutes ended. He gave Maya, his head illustrator an awkward smile. They had exchanged a few words, small talk to fill the silence and couldn't get away from each other fast enough.

Sharad started roaring with laughter when Maya hurried away, "Do you have to scare away every girl?"

Aayush reacted with a raised brow, his eyes searching for a particular girl who hadn't left his mind.

His very annoying friend leant in and whispered, "She was rushing towards the washroom, probably away from you."

He cursed under his breath, embarrassed about how he had behaved earlier. "I don't know what you are talking about." he replied stiffly. His ears burnt.

Sharad gave him a flat look, "Keep playing that card and you will end up empty handed. Like I said, you're already too late to begin with."

He frowned, "And why's that?"

Sharad clucked his tongue and took a sip of his drink, "First admit that you want her. And you want her bad."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm just annoyed... she dared to call me a snob, said I have my nose high up in the air. I just want to prove her wrong."

Sharad scoffed, "Really now? Since when did you start caring about what people think? Everyone thinks you're a rude bastard."

Aayush frowned, thinking of the first time he had met Ahilyaa Joshi. The loud, careless girl had crashed into him with so much force on her first day of work, she had sent them both crashing to the floor, pouring a cup of cold coffee on him, damaging his shirt, and presentation. She had made a spectacle out of him, making everyone laugh at his expense.

He had simply pushed her off him, rushing away without bothering to answer her half-hearted apologies. She was giggling even then.

After that they had only spoken when work demanded and never even tried to say hello to each other. "Nope. I do not like that loud firecracker. Yes, she's gorgeous, but she's also crazy. How can I even think about liking someone like her? We're complete opposites."

Sharad laughed, "Dude, just listen to yourself."

He crossed his arms, "Shut up."

Sharad sighed and sobered up, "Turn around."

Aayush turned abruptly, worried that she was standing right behind him. But instead, a trolley was barreling towards him, and almost crashed into his legs. He steadied it as the flustered waitress started apologizing. He didn't hear a thing she said. His eyes were set on the cake that was on the trolley.

Farewell, Ahilyaa. It said.

On the card set on the side, someone had illustrated her face, peeking up with a childlike joy – it was almost a perfect illustration. It read -

'Mirage will miss its smiling sun'

He opened the card and saw signatures and farewell messages that filled the page. He recognized Sharad's neat writing among them.

You were my life-force, and never failed to fill my heart with joy, and nerves with caffeine after a bad client meet. Will miss you, munchkin. Good luck.'

He dropped the card back, jaw ticking. He stood frozen on spot even after the waitress left and a million thoughts raced through his head. Nothing made sense.

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