Chapter 8: The Aftermath

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Chapter 8

The Aftermath

Ahilyaa cuddled closer to the warm body, and a contended sigh left her lips when a magnificent scent filled her senses. A heartbeat played a constant rhythm in her ears, and she fell back into deep sleep, ignoring the sound of her ringing alarm.

Half an hour later, Ahilyaa's eyes fluttered open when a phone started ringing. She fumbled for the receiver and growled into the phone.

"Good morning, Miss Joshi. This is your wakeup call. Your car will be here in less than an hour."

She muttered something incoherent and replaced the phone before slipping back into the covers. She wasn't ready to wake up, and she was definitely not ready for a car ride. She didn't even know why they called a car.

She sought out the warmth again, and put her arm around the man. He was warm and comfortable, and she loved the feeling of someone breathing next to her. She was about to fall asleep, when the man moved. Then he mumbled and turned to sleep on his stomach, and his face turned in her direction.

Ahilyaa stopped breathing when she saw his face, and it all came crashing down. She was in bed, naked as the day she was born, cuddled with an equally naked man... a man she thought she hated till last evening. How on earth did she get herself into such a mess?

Her cheeks tainted and burnt. She remembered clearly how they had ended up in her hotel room. Worried of breathing loudly, she thanked the heavens that he was fast asleep and scooted away a little.

She studied his sleeping form, and her eyes traveled down, exploring his beautiful body. The tattoo on his back was still as tempting. She could now see that it was an intricately done tattoo, with different tribal patterns merging to become a large falcon with its wings spread wide. Her eyes roamed down the dips and hard planes on his body, and almost groaned out loud to realize he even had a nice ass. He was perfect.

The sight of his naked body brought memories, his determined frown, the total control he had shown till the last minute, and the way he felt as he moved inside her slowly and carefully, till she had made him lose all that control.

She shifted her legs and felt sensitive muscle chaff. Her body hummed and fingers tingled for his touch. A huge part of her wanted to wake him up with kisses down that sexy back, but she sat up in the bed, dragging her eyes away. She had behaved wantonly last evening, waking him up from deep sleep, wanting more than he had given her already. And he had been eager to oblige. There was no doubt it was the best sex she'd ever had.

She had tasted every inch of him, and damn she loved how good it felt to pleasure him. His body shivering and buckling under her touch, gave her a surge of power that turned her on to the greatest heights.

Her body responded to the memories, and heat pooled deep down. She wanted him again, and probably would want him even after that. And she was sure he wanted her even more, much more than she did.

He had whispered as much as they came down from their high last night. He had pulled her tight against his chest, breathing heavily, arms locked around her like steel bands. "I don't think I can let you go now." he had buried his head in the crook of her neck, hugging her like a man drowning.

Ahilyaa slowly slipped out of bed and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't stir. She padded to the bathroom barefoot, pulled on a bathrobe, and stepped out, grabbing the items of clothing strewn across the room. Her skin burnt with shame and something else. She refused to dwell on the feeling and stuffed her clothes and heels into a small bag.

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