Chapter 22: Time is Running Out

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Our breathing becomes ragged as Cartman rips open my shirt. The popped buttons roll in every direction across the sheepskin carpet of the Black's bedroom. I scratch his back, trying to claw my way inside his chest. He grunts and lowers his face to my collarbone, biting hard until I let out a whimper.

"Do as I say, Jew," he murmurs into my chest, his tongue finding the delicious crevasse between my bones. I uncontrollably buck into his pelvis and feel his member twitch against mine-- almost too much. He bites harder and I let out a scream; in response, he roughly places one callused hand across my mouth.

"Don't draw attention," he pants, sitting up and beginning to unbutton his own shirt. I immediately snap forward and attempt to undo the rest, my hands shaking in giddy nervousness. Finally, I can't take it and wrap my arms around his thick waist and pull him back into me, feeling his strong chest against my smaller bony one. He snakes an arm around my waist and threads his fingers into my hair.

"You cut it," he remarks, panting into my neck while tugging my scalp.

"Yeah," I reply stupidly. I can't look him in the face. This isn't real, once I see him, it becomes real and there's no escaping it. Let's just live in this fictitious fun for one measly night. I drag my nails down his back again until my fingers lace his belt. I'm fumbling again, he's gnawing my chest, littering me with hickies, bruises, and full on bites. I can't help but gasp, and finally the metal of his belt lets the leather loose and I'm yanking it, throwing it aside.

Suddenly, he lifts me to the convenient nearby bed. I softly land among various textures of silk and fur but all I can really feel is how fucking hard I am in my growing still-tighter pants, and his strong arms on either side of me, holding him up, away from me. I crave his closeness again and luckily never let go of his pants, so I unbutton the first, then the next, and finally the third, when his pants drop just enough for me to make out the shadow of a throbbing dick imprisoned in boxers, barely inches from my own.

Cartman places his hands on my chest and thrust his covered privates into mine and my mind goes blank, instead pure instincts taking over. Ecstasy replaces any normal emotions with each thrust, with threadbare layers of cloth keeping us from touching. Finally, he leans into me, his lips almost grazing mine, and whispers menacingly, "Suck my balls."

I rip down the elastic boxers until he's completely exposed in the darkness. I have to fulfill the promise made years ago by an eight-year-old unaware of his own sexuality or fucked up tendencies. I scoot forward, letting my legs dangle off the bed as Cartman stands up. I can't make out much other than the general area and the actual largeness of his cock, but that's not what I was dared.

I cup the fleshy weighted softness in my fingers and bring it to my mouth, letting his member freely twitch against my cheek and ear. Cartman let's out audible gratitude the moment my tongue playfully darts, tasting him for the first time. Salty with sweat, yet with that hint of his smell that I find so damn intoxicating. I place my lips fully around his orb and finally, gently, suck. He grabs my head and pulls me in further and I find my head fully buried between his thighs, his leg hair grazing my shoulders. I grab his fit ass cheek with my other hand and scratch, to which Cartman responds gratefully and loudly. He intertwines his fingers deeper in my mess of hair and digs his short nails into my back, which is really starting to hurt but I can't care. I wouldn't care if the world blew up at this moment. This is actual bliss.

I moan into his area, the vibrations of my voice causing his legs to shake. For once I have this boy under my complete control, despite him thinking this is demeaning to me. On the contrary, I could do this all night, and know that every moan and shudder of Cartman's is something I've elicited. I run my hands between his pants and his strong haired legs, slowly trailing every previously unknown area of his body. My tongue does circles around and through his sack while I lightly kiss and suck.

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