Chapter 17

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Naijah prov: so me and the gang had the best time at the fair after me and rain are our food we playing all types of games i even won a giant neon green scooby doo. And treyvon won a small teddy bear 🐻. ha. can't win nun good ugly ass. but anyways yeah now we at home just chilling, but i'm still on guard tho bc he was pretty mad at the fair i bought him another apple but he was still a little eh so i'm just gonna act like everything cool and i fg for now. But yeah so anyways me and trey just chilling watching netflix. and no aint no freaky stuff happening yeah ik yall was thinking like ohhhhh they netflix n chilling and that y'all was gonna see some nasy stuff go on but yah not. But dont get upset bc theres some freaky shish coming yall way cuz remember treyvon birthday in like a couple days now.

Treyvon: hey babe can u go get me a soda and some sour gummy worms plz ?

Naijah: no you got 2 legs and 2 arms that ain't broken. get it yah self.

Treyvon: plz ill forgive u bout the apple thing.

Naijah: uhhhhgg fine. * goes and gets stuff* here.

Treyvon: thanks bae * kisses naijah *

Naijah: * kisses back* u welcome. ok so in this what we doing now is pretty boring but hey not every thing can be exciting u no.

Chris prov: SHUT UP I HATE YOU DONT TALK TO ME!!!!!! i said as i slam my door in my brothers face. hey guys i no it's been a while since u seen me and this is not how i wanted to start off my first prov but yeah. so if u wondering what's happening josiah showed me pics of my boyfriend cheating on me. so i went and confronted my boyfriend and he admitted it so we broke up and now josiah over here talking bout some that's y u should have listened to me and shit like nigga im yo brother u supposed to be there fo me on this type shit not bring me down. i already got so much going on right now, like y does every nigga i meet break my heart man and after every thing i do to i be giving the relationship my all but they give me nothing but pain in return. i-



Josiah: Chris please just hear me out. come on please open the door let's talk about it.

Chris: fine * opens the door * you got 5 min

Josiah: * grabs chris waist and pulls em closer*
chris i'm sorry for what i said and i shouldn't have said it i was just being stupid and was in the heat of the moment and i'm sorry. do u forgive me?

Chris: yeah i do but y u got me by my waist?

Josiah: so i can do this * kiss chris* i love you chris i always have and i no that were brothers and this is wrong but i can't ignore my feelings for you so will you go out with me?

Chris: * crying * yes yes yes a thousand times yes. i kissed him again and felt sparks fly the kiss was so uhhhg i can't even explain it had a mix of emotions in it that wear just unbelievable. after about 7-8 minutes we pulled apart breathing had. we each ad a smile on our face.

Josiah: u still a virgin right?

Chris: yeah y?

Josiah: cuz i was planning on getting in that ass too, but if u want we can take this slow.

Chris: yeah i'd like that.

Josiah: *smiles sweetly and kisses chris temple* ight then, wanna go watch a movie?

Chris: and with that we spent the whole day watching movies and talking, u no just enjoying each other's company.

Ight guys i no this was probably unexpected or sum junk but i wanna go into other people's lives be sides treyjah aka Treyvon and Naijah. so yeah anyways y'all no the drill Leave a comment and vote on the story. ight guys till next time byezzzzzz~🐳🌮💚🐳🌮💚

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