Chapter 27

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Jalerre prov: OMFG! If josiah and chris don't be quite i'm gonna kill them before it's time to. Like wtf i don't wanna hear a-


Jalerre: Uhhhhhhhhgggg. I need to get the get outta here. Makayla let's go.

Makayla: Where we going.

Jalerre: Somewhere but here i can't stand then in there i don't wanna hear all t-


Makayla: If you ask me it sounds kinda hot. * biting lip*

Jalerre: I looked at this bitch like she was crazy. Ewwww makayla that's nasty as fuck, you wanna hear/see 2 fags fucking. That's gross.

Makayla: No it's not it sounds pretty sexy to me. Plus jalerre i'm bisexual myself.

Jalerre: Uhhhhg, let's just go.

Makayla: Ight.

Jalerre: We left and just drove around town until we saw Naijah. What's he doing all by himself. This could be fun. 😈.

Makayla prov: OMFG!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT I HAVE MY OWN PROV. YASSSSSSS BICHT YASSSSSSS. Anyways so me and jalerre was driving till we stopped. Why we stop? I asked.

Jalerre: See that boy over there, he's the reason why treyvon claim he don't love me nomo.

Makayla: I look over to who she pointing at and instantly regretted it. That's my brother. Yeah i know y'all thinking "The hell this crazy bitch just say?" Well yeah it's true he's my brother.

Flash back.

Makayla: Hey naijah lets go play outside.

Naijah: But mommy said we're not allowed outside unless she's with us.

Makayla: Ok but your with me so it's ok.

Naijah: If you say so.

Makayla: We went outside and started to play around in the woods, this is when we lived in our old house, So as we went deeper into the woods naijah had gotten outta my sight. I started calling for him but no answer till i heard some shuffling in the bushes. Naijah is that you why are you hiding back there? i said as i got closer. But when i did i seen this guy in a black mask he was trying to tie naijah up and take him away. Tears started streaming down my eyes as i ran to attack the man. He saw me and pulled out his gun. I stopped dead in my tracks.

??: Now kid you can come with me without a fight and have your brother back or die. The choice is your.

Makayla: I'll go with you. He nodded and we started walking, he had naijah over his shoulders knocked out and his right hand holding him and the gun in his left hand. I kept looking at him as he looked forward. I started slowing down my pace a little till i was kinda behind him. Then i kicked him in the back of his leg making him fall sending the gun flying. I quickly ran over to it and grabbed it.

??: Look kid give me the gun that's not a toy.

Makayla: I looked at him like he was crazy. Then he started running towards me and i pulled the trigger. I shot him so many times. It was all one big bloody mess. I quickly grabbed naijah and ran home. Once there i couldn't see my mom crying there were police at the house i ran to her and she hugged me as they took naijah away to make sure he was ok. Of course i was taken in for questioning and stuff like that after that they let me go. But that same night i had nightmares of me killing people. After that I kept having them, until i had this one dream that i killed naijah and mom and our little sister kj. After that i started going crazy and was taken to a mental hospital. But i ended up killing me roommate witch led me to prison.

Flash back over

Makayla: And that's how i ended up here.

Jalerre: Makayla are you ok? your crying? What's wrong?

Makayla: She pulls me into a hug and i sat there and just cried. It's been so long since i've seen Naijah and kj, now look at him he's all grown up. And here i am trying to kill him. But you can't exactly blame me because i didn't no, jalerre never told me his name all she talked about was treyvon. Other than that she would just say pineapple head or something. I can't do this. I said pulling away from jalerre.

Well damn i feel bad for makayla 😭that's one, two josiah and chris some freaks😂. Anyways y'all know the drill leave a comment and vote if you feel like. Ok byezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~🐳🌮💚🐳🌮💚🐳🌮💚🐳🌮💚🐳🌮💚🐳🌮💚.

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