Chapter V

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"I don't know, but let's go looking for Freeze." Tavis pled. They all flew off out to the ocean and scouted for the Snow Wraith. "Look, there's something white on those rocks!" cried Tavis. Sky squinted her eyes at it and gasped, "It's Freeze." she exclaimed. Freeze laid on ground and was bleeding from his neck. "What happened, Freeze?" Sky asked. Freeze laid not moving. "Freeze? Are you ok?" asked Tavis. Freeze winced with pain and glanced up at them. "Go away." mumbled Freeze. "No, we're gonna help you." Sky protested. Freeze growled and tried to stand up. "A Skrill attacked me." he said, faintly. Reyna tilted her head and frowned. "Why would they do that?" she wondered. "I saw Skylar." moaned Freeze. "Really, did she say anything to you?" Lily asked. "Yes, she said that she was gonna kill us all." cried Freeze. "Let's get Freeze back to the island." stated Tavis. "No, leave me here, I'm gonna die anyways" wailed Freeze. "No, come on we will carry you on Sky." sniffled Lily. Freeze laid his head over and thought. "Fine." Freeze mumbled. They carried Freeze back to the island. "Now let's get you to the stables. Can you walk Freeze?" asked Tavis. "No, I can't feel my legs at all." bawled Freeze. "Well I hope your ok, you have stop bleeding so that's good" told Tavis. After they had got Freeze into the stables, Freeze fell asleep. "I think you should be nice to Freeze when he wakes up." Lily put in. "Ok." said Reyna and Sky. "Let's go inside, that storm is coming fast" committed Ruby. Back inside the stables, Freeze was just now waking up. 

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