Chapter 1

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I don't own naruto or fairytail

3rd person pov

     It was a normal day in the guild for natsume and joy. They just left the guild for a A class job for a monster problem in cloverville.
Flashback no jutsu
     "Hey natsume" joy said "yeh joy what's up." natsume replied then joy got a idea "How bout we go on a job" joy said excitedly  "ya sure i've been cooped up in here for a while which one S or A class." natsume replied "How bout A class we haven't been on one of those in a while."
   Help wanted monsters attacking villagers in cloverville

A-class wizard needed

Reward a special scroll and flame empress armor

       "Hey mira" natsume said "yes natsume" mira replied " can we take this one" ya sure just take it off the board and i'll send a message to the mayor" "ok see ya" natsume them left the guild

Flashback no jutsu kai
      That's how we ended here at the magnolia train station to cloverville We just got off the train and going to see the mayor then they saw a villager and asked " do you know where the mayor of the town is" villager 1 said " yesss i could take youther if you want" yes please"

time skip no jutsu to mayor's house

  " We're here know just knock three times then go in" villager 1 said "thank you miss" natsume said then villager 1 said "i bet you're here for the monster problem" "actually yes i am miss thank you i've got to go know " natsume replied inside the mayor's office
    "Hello miss are you here for the monster problem"
  "yes we are" joy replied ok well the monsters come at exactly 11:46pm to 12:00 am at the west side of the village you have a hour to get ready so please help us." the mayor said
"ok will do." then she left to get ready

   1 hour Time skip

" Were here this is the west side of this village right joy"
"yep natsume this is the west side of the village" joy replied
"its coming from over there let's go joy" natsume yelled they ran over and then natsume saw the monster it looked right up at her and attacked then she yelled out "fire dragon rawr"
     then attacked the monster with "fire dragon's wing attack"
  and the last attack killed the monster joy started started to yell out to the villagers that the monster was gone villager 3 started cheering then the rest of the villagers started cheering that the monster is gone then the mayor said
" thank you young one for out thanks we will give you this scroll and armour"
" it was no problem we just did what was needed to save the village " natsume replied
"any way do you have a hotel here" yess there issss one over here i'll bring you" 'villager 1' said 'he looks like a snake' natsume thought hen went to the hotel

Time skip no jutsu to morning

In the hotel room

  Joys pov(AND like natsu's exceed exceed silver and named joy)

     " hey natsume can we open the scroll " I asked "ya sure but i'll read it okay" she replied
They start opening the scroll once it is open it looked like it was glowing so i peeked at it one i did that we were sent through a portal and started falling FROM THE SKY
  i started screaming for our lives until i used my magic to fly to the unconscious natsume and fly down safely then some weird green caterpillar started yelling "YOUTH" and ran toward us

??? pov

      Me and gai were having our rival challenge then we heard someone scream and tw objects falling from the sky so gai being gai started to run towards them so i had to follow then we see a GIRL and a CAT WITH WINGS 'what is going on' i thought
   Then the cat stats moving yelling at the girl to wake up "wake up now natsu's eating your dongo"the cat whispers into her ear  then the girl suddenly pops up yelling "NATSU  YOU BETTER NOT EAT MY DONGO" we all sweatdrop even the cat

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