Let's Sing, Let's Dance

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Let's forget about whose around us and get lost in the world of music just you and me.
Let's make love with music drowning us in my passion.
Let's keep our eyes locked on each other while time slips away.
Let's dance until the world stops moving
Let's dance until time stands still.
Let's dance until we're lost in each other's soul.
Until we are in sync, or until we become one.
Now we are here at the final moments at the altar about to give our promises to each other, and my heart has yet to stop dancing. It has yet to stop singing.
Looking at you while at the altar my heart sings like a canary, like a blue jay, like a red robin.
My heart can't stop singing that I start to cry because not only am I forever with the love of my life but now I can forever dance in your arms.
I can forever be with you and when you inspire me to move and dance about that's exactly what I'll do.
I'll take your hands and force you to dance with me.
We'll dance the night away until there's no more pain.
We'll dance night the night away until there's no more regrets.
We'll dance the night away until there's no more worry.
We'll dance the night away until we get lost in the stars of each other's eyes again like we did when we first met.
And once we do that I will finally open up and sing a sweet symphony over you until all of your worries and doubts leave you forever.
For I am your sweet dove. I am and  will forever be your sweet songbird.
-Love  your sweet songbird

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