Keys To My Heart

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It's very rare that I let anyone in.
It's very rare that I tell anyone my secrets.

You see I'm a person that is very closeted and very private.

The last time I gave someone the keys to my heart they completely.....ruined.....everything

And so I don't let anyone in anymore

The keys to my heart are beyond special, and only those who I allow access can enter.

So tell me.. Why should I let you in? Why are you worthy to receive my keys? Why should I even


You see i have been hurt for so long that I have walls upon walls and vaults and locks completely

surrounding my heart, and I refuse to get hurt again,

but if you are able to convince me other wise I might reconsider .

The key word is might

Well you know what?

You have convinced me, and proven yourself worthy of my heart.

You have shown me how to love again and completely showered me with love even when I

preferred to stay away and be left alone .

So i thank you for never giving up on me even when I gave up on myself .

Thank you for caring for me when I didn' t care for myself .

Thank you for kissing me even when I though that I could never be kissed again.

You brought such a vibrant person back to life again, and

Now I cant wait to spread my infectious colors and attitude with the world

again all because your love broke through to me,

and tore down the walls that I built around my heart

Thank you so much my love

I love you

Here are the Keys To My Heart

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