Chapter 26

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Hello :)

Ok so I know I normally put these little notes at the end of each chapter but this is important to me so it needs to come first.
Ever since I've joined Wattpad it's like a whole new world has opened up to me. No one judges, no one gives hate (in my experience) and everyone is so sweet.
This is my escape. I've said it many times before and I'll keep saying it: this is my escape from stuff that's happening in my life and every single comment, message, vote.. Everything.. It means the absolute world to me. You make me smile, laugh and cry over the words that you send to me. But in a good way. You make me so happy. I don't feel like a weird 18 year old girl on this.. I feel like something more. You make me feel bigger, stronger. You make me a better version of myself.
Whenever I'm reading your messages I'm so overwhelmed by the strength of every single person. I've talked to people who suffered with the same problems I have. Whatever your demons are, whatever you're struggling with.. You can do it. Drown your demons. Set them on fire. Free yourself and I swear on my life you will never look back. I want you to live in freedom, so badly it hurts. But I've seen your strength. And I know you can do it.
This chapter is dedicated to someone who I've discovered on here. She's sweet, caring, beautiful inside and out.. She is perfection personified. So LesbianLovato this one goes out to you. I wish it was a better chapter because you deserve it after all your kind words.. You make me happy. More than I could ever begin to explain :)

All my love

L x



1 week later


I exhaled deeply, watching my breath fog up the air in front of me. I glanced at my watch which I had somehow managed to fit over the bandage on my arm and sighed impatiently. Lauren was supposed to pick me up ten minutes ago.

Surprisingly I had passed the "danger to self" test that the consultants set up. I guess they realised that I wasn't going to get better here, the clinic is the place for that. I had to do a ton of therapy sessions but apart from that I was all set. Great.

I leaned back against the railing which bordered the hospital and let my thoughts drift, listening to the birdsong and taking in the light rays of early morning sunshine that were dancing across my skin. It was almost idyllic really if you forgot the face that I had just been discharged from hospital after a borderline suicide attempt.

I just wished that I could leave my demons behind me as easily as I could leave the hospital.

The sound of a car pulling up distracted me from my train of thought and I smirked a little as Lauren's car jolted to a halt. I slung my bag over my shoulder, wincing a little but determined not to let it show I smiled.

"Nice entrance Lauren. Graceful as always." I called out as she stepped out of the car. She shot me a withering look.

"Ha ha, smartass." She retorted quickly, walking towards me. "Unless you wanna walk home I suggest you treat me nicely." I rolled my eyes playfully and stepped into her outstretched arms for a hug. She squeezed me tightly and pulled away, scrutinising my appearance.

"Well you still look like a shit on a slate but you've put on weight which is good." She stated. I snorted.

"Jeez Lauren, way to make me feel good about myself." I replied as we walked over to the car. She laughed and we both got in. I threw my bag into the back seat and winced again as the bandages chafed against my arms.

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