I'm Fine

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The game has started and the two different teams are spread out on the court. I'm playing defense, so my position is near my team's basket. Aiden dribbles the ball dodging everyone surrounding him. He's pretty damn good at this. Then three of our players trapped him. Emma, who is on the opposite team, is standing right next to me.

"Hey Ace! I'm open!" She yelled. Aiden throws the ball at her, while I tried to block. Knowing me, the nonathletic person in the whole gym class, is trying to block not only a track star, but a tennis player and a softball player. Emma maybe slow but she's way more athletic than I could ever be.

It was all in slow motion, as the ball flew towards us. I jump in front of her to catch the ball, but before the ball fell into my arms, Emma pushed me causing me to fall hard. I landed on the back of my head, enduring the excruciating pain making out with my skull. I saw white and black spots everywhere I looked. Blinded by spots, my ears were ringing, and I could hardly breathe.

"Kiyra!" I heard someone yell, but I couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl. Trying to catch my breath, everything began to fade. I don't want to black out. Not now. Not ever. No matter how much I don't want it to happen, it happened anyway.

My eyes open to see a bunch of eyes staring at me. "Give her some space!" Coach said. "Kiyra, are you ok?"

I slowly nodded my head, and a wave of pain came flushing through. My painful expression was hidden though, because I don't want coach to worry about me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I stood up and brushed the invisible dust off my clothes. Once again, I felt Aiden's burning eyes on me. I ignored him. "Coach, may I go get some water?"

"Uh sure Kiyra, but are you sure you don't want to go to the nurse or get an ice pack or-"

"I'm sure coach." I gave him my fake smile, that I always give to people, and walked out the gym. Even though I said that I was going to get water, I ended up going outside for some air.

What time is it? I checked the time. 11:11 a.m it said. Grasping my phone tightly against my chest, I made a wish. Please don't let my hope deceive me.

"So this is where the water fountain is?" A husky voice whispered in my ear. I jumped from being startled and turned around. "Even though there's no water fountain." He smirked.

"Aiden what the-" My head pounded, like a metal hammer hitting against my skull. I held my head and was on the verge of falling, but Aiden caught me before I could touch the ground. Then my head stopped hurting.

"Are you ok?" Obviously not, dumbass.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sat up and pushed him away.

"You sure? I mean you hit your head pretty damn hard." He said with all seriousness.

"Yes, I'm fine." I replied in annoyance.  "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because," he pause for a second, "you're a human being like everyone else, and it's important to care for others around you." The mood changed as he said those words:

It's important to care for others around you.

I looked at him and his eyes seemed empty. Like he's like an empty body with no soul. "Aid-"

"Why do you call me by my first name,  instead of my nickname?" He looked up at me, in curiosity. If I have to admit, he actually looked cute.
I giggled. "What's funny, freak?" He raised an eyebrow upward. And annoying Aiden is back.

"Come on let's go back to the gym, before people start gossiping about stupid stuff." I said. We both walked inside of the gym, just so Coach could say it's time to get dressed. I walked to the locker room, and changed my clothes.

"Kiyra! Are you ok?!" Tyana tackled me in a hug.

I chuckled, "I'm fine."

"I swear to God, I will kill that bitch! She shouldn't have pushed you like that!" She looked up at my face. "What happened to you're cheek?! Did that happen when you fell?! Wait, don't tell me that heifer hit you?" Unfortunately, I didn't speak fast enough. "She did, didn't she?!"

Diamond walks inside of the locker room. "Tyana, what's with all the yelling? I could hear you all the way across the gym."

"That skinny ass blonde bitch, punched Kiyra!" She exclaimed.

"Tyana calm down. It's not that big a deal." I said.

"Not big a deal?! Kiyra, she hit you. Not only that, but she pushed you so hard on the court that you passed out for a good 10 minutes. You could've gotten a concussion, or even worse you could've died!" I remained silent.

"She's right, you know. We have to do something about this. This isn't right Kiyra." Diamond cut in.

"Guys, it's just a one time thing." I said. "If it happens again then I will tell coach."

"N-" Diamond and Tyana were both cut off by coach yelling. "Girls, it's time for lunch, hurry up!"

"Guys just trust me on this, I know what I'm doing." I grabbed my stuff, and walked out of the locker room, leaving Tyana and Diamond to themselves.

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