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Aiden is no where to be seen. I thought that maybe we would eat together for lunch. Guess not. The bell rang, revealing that lunch is over and it's time for our next class.

I headed to English, my next class. My teacher, Mrs. Moody, can put you to sleep in the first ten minutes of class. Since she knows that she puts her classes to sleep, she threatened to give, people who sleep, a referral. Same consequence if you have your phones out. Great, so I'm gonna be bored.

I looked around the classroom as Mrs. Moody taught, and realized Aiden wasn't here. Did he skip? I began to worry. Wait...Why do I care I j-

"Kiyra! Are you listening to me?" Mrs. Moody said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good." Class continued on till the bell rang for my last block, study hall. In other words, I get to leave school early. I grabbed my belongings, and went to look for Aiden. I have 40 minutes till it's time to go to work. Walking around the school aimlessly, I spot Aiden talking to a group of guys.

"Aiden!" He turned his head to have a better view of me, then he turned back to his friends. What the hell? "Hey Aiden!" He ignored me.

You know what? I don't have time for this. I walked out of the school building, and headed to my car.

"No way?! Are you freaking kidding me right now?!" I yelled. As I approached my car, I saw some scartches that spelled bitch on the passenger door. Who would fuckin key a car? Most importantly my car!

The damages are gonna be so expensive to repair, not only that, but the water bill is due this week. I guess I'll have to deal with this till next month, when I get paid again. I sighed and went around to the drivers side, opened the door, and made my way to Lola's Coffee Shop. My job.

"Honey bun! You're just in time, as always." My manager, Debby smiled and gave me a hug.

"Of course." We pulled away. "Why wouldn't I?" I smirked.

"I don't know because your a teenager, and you should hangout with your friends," she paused, "or perhaps a boyfriend?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Debby, you know I'm not interested in those kind of things, dealing with relationships and stuff. I have to focus on my education and my job." Debby has been dying for me to get in a relationship ever since I worked here. She knows about my situation at home, but even so, she wants me to act like a 'teenage girl.' In her words, I'm too mature for my age, and needs to live a little.

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes and waved her hand in a shooing motion. "Go ahead and go get changed young lady. We have a line of customers waiting."

"Yes ma'am." I did a soldier salut, making my way to the girl's break room. I grabbed my white shirt, my black mid-length skirt, and my black flats. After changing my clothes, I took out my daily pony tail and put my hair into a messy elegant bun.

The door opened and closed, "Hey K." I turned my head to see none other than Luke. He has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, with a sharp jawline. He is very attractive with his white t-shirt, covered black apron and black baggy pants. Our work uniform.

"Hey Lukey." I hugged him and spoke in my baby voice. He chuckled and rubbed my hair, causing it to be messy. "Hey, I just did my hair." I pouted.

"It looks better down." He said sweetly.

"Fine." I let go of him to grab the loose hair tie in my hair, and put it in my cubby. "Now, let's get to work." Taking a hold of his arm, we walked out of the girl's break room, together. If you're wondering, why the hell a guy is in the girl's break room in the first place? Well, it's because he's gay. Obviously, I wouldn't act the same with him if he was straight.

Three Hours Later
Today has been a busy day. Families coming in and out of the café and business men coming in for meetings and stuff. The door opened, releasing a chime. "Hello, welcome to Lola's! How many?"

"Uh, four people." I looked up and saw a boy, who looked around my age, with three other guys. You will never guess who I saw in the mist of those guys. Aiden. We locked eyes for a while, until the boy who spoke snapped his fingers in my face. "Hey are you gonna show us where we're sitting at, or do we have to speak to your manager?" The boy smirked.

"Sorry, sir. Right this way." This is the worse. Why must they be here? No rather, why is he here? I took them to a booth, in the back and handed out there menus. "Are you ready to order any drinks, to start you off?"

"Yeah your pussy." A different guy said. He had a scar on his forehead and looked like a junky, with his unshaven beard.

"Excuse me?" How disrespectful! The guys laughed except for Aiden.

"It's just a joke, sweetheart. I would like coke. What about you guys?"

"Sprite." The dude from the register said.

"An Orange soda." A guy with a country accent said.

"A water for me." Aiden said.

"Ok I'll be right back with your drinks, and I'm Kiyra, your waitress for this afternoon." I fast walked to the back, to get the drinks. Still freaking disturbed by what that guy said.

"K!" Being startled, I dropped one of the cups. Thank God it's plastic.

"Damn it, Luke! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry K, I called you like 3 million times but you weren't responding."

"Sorry. I was deep in thought." I picked up the cup and put in the sink.

Refilling another cup with soda, Luke asked, "What's on your mind?"

"I don't know there's just a lot of things going on at school and at home. Then, to put extra food on my plate, there are some rude ass customers. Saying, I would like to drink your pussy. Who the fuck, would say some shit like that?" I rambled on.

"Do you want me to take your table, and staple their dicks to their foreheads?" He said seriously. I stared at him for a second and laughed. "What? I'm serious."

"I know you are." I giggled, "I'm fine, just come with me to deliver these drinks?"

"Of course, Kit Kat." He grabbed the the two cups that I filled, while I took the other two. We both made our way to the boy's booth.

"Ok here's your coke, sprite, water, and orange soda."

"Thanks, sexy." The scar guy said, totally ignoring that Luke is right next to me.

"What would y'all like to eat?" I said blocking out that comment.

"Your ass." He smirked. I looked at Aiden for help to control his friend, but he was looking down at his phone, paying no mind.

Suddenly I felt arms snuggle around my waist, "I'm sorry but the only ass that you're eating is your own, and I would appreciate it if you didn't comment on my girlfriend's beauty, in a disrespectful manner." Luke said smoothly, which caused Aiden to immediately look up from his phone. We both exchanged glances for a few seconds, then he glared at both me and Luke.

"Oh my apologies." The scarred boy said, obviously not giving a crap in the world. "I didn't know she was taken, either way she's fucking hot." Before Luke could say something, Aiden banged his fist against the table, causing everyone to look at him. Especially me, in worry for some odd reason.

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