Hey California

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enjoy this chapter 

sorrry for any mistakes 


Hunter and I were on our way to the airport we had spent out day in the hotel room and watching the news, so far the police still think that it was an accidental fire but they find it weird that no one tried to get out of the fire but there is no way that they will find out it was staged. The news had also said that there was defiantly no survivors and they were trying to identify who the people are, I wonder what Axe will think when he finds out all his men are dead. This is the perfect way to take him down he only has James they are weak.

We arrived at the airport and Hunter took our bags into the the airport and went to go sort the tickets out whilst I go return the hire car to the moody old guy. I got out of the car and grabbed the papers and walked up to the office and knocked on the door. I waited for about a minuet before the old guy opened the door, he looked me up and down before frowning “can I help you?” he groaned “yes actually cheer the fuck up and take your car back!” I spat out at him, his eyes opened and shock and he just grunted. I passed over the papers and keys and turned on my feet and walked towards the airport.

I walked through the airport doors and got struck with a cold blast of air I pulled my coat tighter around me and started walking in between the people trying to find Hunter. I looked up at the screen to see when our flight was I looked down the screen and saw the flight to LAX airport. I headed towards the south part of the airport, I walked through security showing the guards my passport. I saw Hunter in the distance sitting down on one of the seats talking to a young a boy, the young boy looked really happy that someone was taking an interest in him and Hunter was just smiling at him and talking with him it was so cute to see a moment like this.

I walked over to were Hunter was sat and sat down in the seat next to him not disturbing him from the conversation with the little boy who was so cute, he had long hair that went across his eyes and he was wearing a pair of grey jeans and a white polo top with a grey blazer. The little boy was most likely from a rich family, I hated being part of rich family as I didn't spend a lot of time with my parents but that is in the past so I should just forget about it.

The little boy was whispering in Hunters ear about something, the little boy pulled away and had a blush on his cheeks. Hunter turned his head to me and smiled “ you think this girl is cute?” Hunter said to the little boy he nodded and blushed even more, how cute. Hunter smiled at the little boy and put his arm round me “well this girl is my beautiful girlfriend Ember” the little kid smiled “nice to meet you Ember” I smiled “nice to meet you to?” “Robert” I smiled again “ nice to meet you Robert” he blushed again. Awww this little boy is just too cute “so where are your parents Robert?” I asked he looked over to the line of people getting there tickets checked and passports “they are the ones in the business clothes” I smiled “ mummy left me with Hunter because he was nice to me” I looked at Hunter and smirked at him “was he now, he is never nice to me Robert” Robert laughed and hit Hunter in the arm “ don't be mean to Ember she is pretty” I laughed “yeah Hunter” Hunter just frowned “I'm always nice to her Robert” Robert just laughed.

We sat there for another 10 minuets talking to Robert when his parents walked over and thanked us for looking after him, Robert was on the same flight as us so he was super excited as he said to me to be on the same plane as us. Our flight was called out and Hunter and I rose from our seats and headed into the boarding area and stood talking to Robert, apparently we were the nicest people he has ever spoke to I just smiled at him and he ran and hugged me before we got on the plane “Ember I will really miss you!” I smiled and Hugged him back “i will miss you too Robert” I smiled sadly, this little kid was truly great “how about I give you my address and we can write to each other?” Robert smiled brightly. I grabbed a bit of paper out of my bag and wrote down my address “here you go Robert look after that you don’t want to lose it now” he smiled sadly “Ember expect a letter off me in 2 weeks” I laughed “ I sure will Robert I will write back straight away” he smiled and ran off back to his parents waving his hand, I waved back on got onto the plane with Hunter.

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